It Happens For A Reason

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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Journey, Relationship, People, Blog, ...

I beg to write on a similar topic by @Shivaz. Hehehe, since it's hard to come by a good topic to write on for now, I shouldn't let the day go just like that without writing an article.

Everything that happens in our life happens for a reason.

There's nothing as complex as the journey through life. Anyone who says they can journey through it without having heartaches is just joking. I am not here to scared you, but it's the truth. Along the way, a lot of things will be unfolded, mistakes will be made, lessons to learn from, celebration, joys, memories etc. All of these things and many more leads us to realizing our purpose in life. For instance, a student will not be promoted to the next class because he/she is intelligent, just like that. Please don't misquote me. Being intelligent is one of the attributes a student should possess, but before promotion is given to such a student, he/she must go through a test called examination. This is likened to the journey through life. As a person, you are physically fit, muscles everywhere, and you think that life will be easy with you. No matter how strong we are physically, life will still hit us with the things we never planned for.

Not as if these challenges are there to harm us; No! Instead, they are there to build us, make us stronger, and show us the area we need to improve on. Sometimes we might be too blinded to see that these challenges are a blessing to us. Things will not always go as planned sometimes. And when it happens that way, we are presented with two choices to make. Either we go negative and surrender just because what we expected didn't come, or we seize that golden opportunity to make the best out of the situation and have it at the back of our minds that it's just a phase which is only temporary and mostly importantly take out lessons that are to be learned from the situation.

Like I grew up to hear my parents say each time they want to advise us, "Time waits for no one". Going through the journey of life, if we only focus our minds on the negative, it is possible that we might miss out on the great things' life has in store for us. But if we are positive and conscious of the fact that unexpected things will always set in. We will be ready to always take lessons from the unexpected and move on instead of wasting time seeking for self-pity.

The journey through life is a passage, we will always meet different people along the way. Everyone who crosses our path is for a reason, and sometimes we are too blinded to know why they came into our lives until they are gone. It's always an amazing occurrence if we cross path with the right people who will affect our life in such a way that the good moments and lessons we learn from them will stay with us even when they are finally gone. The lessons learned from these people tends to empower us to continue on with the journey of life.

That's why I would say we treat everyone we meet with love cos they might be the one destined to help us discover our true self we never had knowledge about. In the journey of life, a lot of people will come to us with different advice on how we can live our life, but what matters the most is how we feel. Doing the right thing should be our topmost priority. We should do all we can to avoid regrets. Do the needful now and never wait for tomorrow because it may be too late to make corrections or even get a second chance.

See you in my next blog. Bye for now.

All images taken from unsplash

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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Journey, Relationship, People, Blog, ...


...and these challenges are the forces that push us to the next stage in life. It's very clear that anyone that has not encountered problems is not living....if there's anyone like that.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Anyone who says they can journey through it without having heartaches is just joking.

I agree with you when you say this. Life is full of ups and downs. Like they say, there are two sides to a coin.

That's why I would say we treat everyone we meet with love cos they might be the one destined to help us discover our true self we never had knowledge about.

Many people have pursued their destiny helpers because of bad character. Such people think that they are superior to every one around them. Respect is reciprocal. We can't give off bad energy and expect good energy in return.

This was beautifully articulated. Thank you so much for sharing 🤗

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you too for this amazing contribution.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

And problems and trials shall pass. We learn the lesson in every experience, be it good or bad. We learn more. We become better. We succeed. We win. If we lose we just get back up and face life with our braver hearts and knowing that God is with us. Always.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

With this kind of enthusiastic spirit, we become more bolder that we are always ready to face whatever life throws at us. If God is with us, then good success is achievable. Thanks for the love shown.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Some of those are blessings in disguise.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's why we have to be sensitive enough to know them.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right. Time waits for no man and whatsoever anyone has to do, he has to do it appropriately.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah.. every single moment of our life we loose can be reclaimed again except time. The moment we fail to make use of the time we have now and it's lost, it can never be reclaimed again If we spend the time we have now well, then we will achieve success. And if we don't, then nothing for use except regrets.

$ 0.00
1 year ago