Good Books

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2 years ago
Topics: Books, Read, Knowledge

Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light.

–Vera Nazarian

The quote above gave me the inspiration to come up with this topic. If there is anything that can teach you is books, 'good books'. Books are like path ways to accessing experience and knowledge, your mind is being opened up to great mysteries which sometimes you can't find them on the internet.

I have a friend who depends solely on books for advice and ideas, when i say books i mean good books. She has a mini library in her room and there are lots of books there, still buying more. She hardly talk to people about her problems, what she does is just get a book that talks about whatsoever is bothering her and reads it. She has never been disappointed, she gets the answers to her problem just by reading a good book.

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Good books are always loaded with answers to diverse questions like; how to choose the right partner, pathway to success, and many more. Someone reading this might be doubting how possible books will have answers to every of our problems. Haha, that tells that you don't love reading, but if you can make up your mind to try reading good books, you will never regret it.

Reading on its own has the ability to shape your thoughts. I will love to share some of the benefits attached to reading good books.

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Spending time to read good books will help you to build your illusory power. The books we read will never limit us to a particular level, but it will open up our minds to imagine extraordinary things. Reading helps to expand our minds and mental sight to see beyond what we have just read. There are moments we read about something and before you know we are already having a mental picture of what that thing really look like. Spending time to read good books will help build our imaginary power.

If you want to speak well in the public, then reading good books will help you achieve that. You are being exposed to different kinds of words when you spend more time in reading good books, your verbal abilities will improve and communication won't be a problem to you. Most people are always so shy to speak in public gathering why because they lack the skills and right words to use. Some of the problems we have today in our society are as a result of poor communication, people don't know the right words to use, and even if you know what you are saying, the next person may misunderstand your words for an abuse. So reading good books will open you up to different words thus improving your communication abilities.

As the saying goes "Knowledge is power", reading good books will help equip you with knowledge. And not just reading good books, but doing it the right way, having a good reading habit. When you have knowledge about a thing, you automatically have power over that thing. You become more wiser as you get more knowledge form reading good books, your way of thinking will change, you are well informed about the things happening around, and above all you become the kind of person the world needs.

Reading good books has the ability to take you out from a depressed state which you were in. Everyday of our lives we are faced with numerous problems, in our workplace, school, home etc, reading a good book at this time will help relief you of every stress. At your free time, get a good book and read, you will be overwhelmed by the kind of magical feeling you will get.

Reading a good book does not only endowed you with knowledge, improve your communication skills, but it also takes you into a pleasurable state. If you want to add more meaning to your life and stay happy then start reading good books. It won be a bad idea if you spend some of your earnings here to buy good books.

Lead Image Source: Unsplash

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2 years ago
Topics: Books, Read, Knowledge
