Go for the YES

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Avatar for pejudear
2 years ago
Topics: Yes, Goals, Focus

Image Source: Unsplash

Many times we try to do new things that will either bring a change to our lives or maybe we are starting a new career, and we tell it to people close to us, majority of this people will say NO, don't do it. Using myself as an example will be like; "pejudear, No that thing won't work for you, No you will never succeed with such an idea, No i don't have any money to support you." All you get to hear is no all the time and they will never get tired of saying no.

Getting this kind of response from the people we hoped on will make you feel discouraged, and sometimes we allow their NO to kill our efforts, dreams and aspirations. We come to a conclusion that if this people we trusted would say that our dreams can never be a reality, that it is impossible, then truly those dreams of ours are impossible.

I titled this article "You Will Always Find A YES Within Every NO" with a reason. Not everyone that laughs with you wants you to succeed, you present your goal to someone and all they do is try to discourage you from achieving that goal. Some of the NOs response are out of jealousy, they don't want you to be more successful than they are.

But i am telling you now that you shouldn't put every no you get from people, especially when it has to do with your career into consideration. Because behind those no(s), there is a yes, and that yes is on the inside of you. There is a force around you that has the power to resist every no(s) from those negative people. We are the only one responsible for our downfall if we allow the no of other people quench the fire of yes that is burning severely in us.

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To my sponsor, i still love you. Thank you so much for your support.

After today, if you share your goals with people and they try to discourage with thier usual no response, don't panic as you walk away to a quiet place and think of ways you can turn their discouraging reponse into a positive one.

Not everyone was suppose to be in our lives, same with advice. Not everyone was suppose to give us advice on how to go about our journey through life. If it occurs to you that the person you so trusted to get a positive response from gives you a no, friends it is better you drop such a person and move on with your life as they are not meant to be part of your life.

Sometimes this negative response will block us from seeing how successful our goals will be, it will make us want to give up on our dream, but if we can build the courage to see this negative response as a pathway to something better, this will help keep our focus on how to achieve our dreams even with the no response from people.

Our plans everyday should be how we can change every negative no into a positive yes. Since i began writing here on read.cash, the determination of not allowing my fears to limit me helps me to come here everyday with good articles for us to read. I don't let the spirit of no i cannot write something people can read to stop me and this keeps me going here.

When you get a no as a response from someone next time, don't feel bad or try to look down on your dreams, but try to fight and make a yes rather and let this people what never wished you good regret why they ever gave such negative response to you.

When they say no, say yes, yes to challenge, trying new things, say yes to new opportunities. Make it happen for you, support yourself so that you can be a blessing to your generation and the world at large.

Lead Image Source- Unsplash

Thank you for reading!!

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$ 3.78 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for pejudear
2 years ago
Topics: Yes, Goals, Focus


If someone keep paying an attention to people's No, I think such person will definitely miss out his/her goals target just as you have wrote here that it is not everyone that is happy about your success some might just show case their self as good friends but I don't believe that you should let thier No to be more stronger than your Yes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definitely right Gently

$ 0.00
2 years ago