Educate Cleanliness

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2 years ago

Cleanliness is very important. If you let kids make a total mess in the kitchen and then leave, you're not really teaching them anything.

- Emeril Lagasse

Cleanliness is next to godliness......

Cleanliness is next to godliness is a common proverbs that everyone has heard or somehow uttered it before. Being clean is not referred to a particular set of people, it is some kind habit that everyone needs to cultivate. Educating cleanliness is telling it or maybe teaching others how to observe it. I visited a particular state in my country some time ago, I noticed that the major road in the state capital was clean. But it was a nightmare when we were approaching another town outside the state capital. The town was next to dirty, the streets were littered with waste of all kinds, ranging from plastic bottles, food packs, beverage cans, disposable cups, vehicle debris, and other stuffs you could think of.

Why would someone with complete sense decide to drop off this things on the road or other improper places. And when you check the houses of this people, it is so clean, but some are not. Cleanliness should not only stop within our selfs, rather it is something that we need to extend to our family, society. Most people take pride in saying that they are clean, but if you look back you discover their immediate environment is so dirty. It is not enough that we wear clean clothes, put on clean shoes, or stay in a clean house......our city, immediate environment should also be clean.

One of the ways one can gain a sound and balance mind is staying clean. Keeping ourselves clean, and environment clean will help us to stay focus, become so confident on every aspect, and as well help us think positively. Being clean strengths our immunity and protects us from getting attacked by chronic and acute diseases. Practicing cleanliness always guarantees that one will stay healthy mentally, preventing psychological problems.

Educating Cleanliness.............

One of the things a parent should teach their children from when they are still very young is being clean. A good parent should put in effort to ensure that their children cultivate this good lifestyle. Anything habit a child grows with, it is so hard that they will forget it, it is implanted in their minds for the rest of their lives. If 90% of children are raised having this habit inculcated in them, then a clean and healthy society is guaranteed.

In the same regard for those who lack the knowledge of what it means to be clean. I feel the government, non-governmental organization, individuals, churches, schools, should launch campaigns like; let's keep clean, stay clean, etc. Everyday, new generation are being born, it will be so miserable that we gift them a dirty and polluted society.

It is very important that we as individuals ensures that we try to cultivate the habit of keeping ourselves, the streets, city, and even the world a clean place. When this places I have mentioned above is being kept clean, then a more positive image that reflects our personality and what we stand for and believe will be projected.

Closing Thoughts

We should all endeavor to practice clean habits on every aspect of our lives so we can stay healthy, our society, our cities, our country, the world too will be healthy. Dirt is bad...... Cleanliness is the perfect choice anyone will go for. Go for purity and stay healthy.

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2 years ago


Such articles are so important as they spread awareness among people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The environment we live really matters a lot. We can get infected by diseases if we always live in a dirty environment, but once we are able to keep our environment clean it will always contribute to our good health. Like you have said I think cleanliness is something we should make sure that our children adapt it in other to avoid unnecessary diseases that dirtiness may brings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The best gift we would ever give to our unborn generation is a clean society. A clean environment will always bring about a healthy mind.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

General cleanlinessor let me say environment cleanliness works well when everyone in coperating and not just left for the workers. I remember when such campaign was done in mh school, even if you are the one that's good in littering the environment, your conscience won't allow you to do such, seeing that everywhere is glittering

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Things have really changed now that people now see everywhere as a dumping ground. I think a law should be made that anyone caught will be fined. And the fined amount should be very high.

$ 0.00
2 years ago