Do you want productivity and efficiency: SLOW DOWN

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1 year ago

Going too fast is dangerous, slow down a little bit and this will power you up to achieving your goals. This is one of the things I have been hearing at the class I have been attending for some weeks now. It may sound foolish and empty to others, but the best advice to some who understands what it really means to slow down. In a normal sense, slowing down gives a picture of laziness, for us to get to our dream place in life, we have to move faster. That's so true, but in order to survive the journey at a faster pace, we need to take a slight pause, slow down, study and understand the situation, and know the right decision to make. If we had only focused on the journey by running as fast as we can, we would never have an idea of these things, and at the end of it we will realize that we have being wasting our time doing nothing. Productivity and efficiency can only happen if we take out to focus on our form, and ensure that every step we take is the right one.

Slowing down doesn't imply that you start behaving like a snail or a tortoise... No! That moment you are alone, maybe it could be during the evening, or the night hour, is the right time to sit back and reflect on your life, think of where you need to slow down. This time gives us the opportunity to know the next step we are about to take, and the next possible goal we want to pursue. When we are only concern about how we can run faster enough to achieving those goals we have set for ourselves, it is so possible that in the process, we fail to learn and explore those opportunities that came by. If we slow down, we get every information, learn from experiences, find the right answers and apply them for better results.

Slowing down isn't a bad idea, it is a perfect time where we can check the how far we have gone in life as individuals. A perfect time to check if we are doing well in our career. A perfect time to get back on the right path. A perfect time to see the importance in the little we have and be grateful for it. A perfect time to practice self-love, a time to value every moment we have to learn new things, know who we really are and our worth, and above all have peace of mind.

The idea of slowing down might sound absurd, or some of us might not understand the right time to slow down. Never to worry, you have the right time here and now. Whatsoever you are going through at the moment, don't be too hard on yourself. Allow yourself to flow in the moment. There is always a reason to every thing we are going through, don't judge that feeling you are having from a wrong perspective, just see it as an opportunity given to you to slow down just so that you can allow yourself to experience self-love, self-growth, and a reminder to ourselves of the things that are important in life.

Lets learn to slow down, so we can give ourselves to experience growth both mentally and otherwise. Lets make it as a promise to ourselves to follow this advice so that we won't make a mistake that will cost us to loose focus in reaching our goals in life.

Bur for now... See you in the next article

Image Source: Unsplash

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1 year ago


Slow down, yes we need that as it was also hard if you stumbled from running so fast. There are also times, we didn't notice the danger if we only focused on reaching the finish line, so when we don't we easily get disappointed. If you asked me? I always doesn't like to rush things, I want it planned " slowly but surely".

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Rushing over decisions, goals, sometimes ends in pains. It's better we slow down along the way and access ourselves to see where we need to improve and otherwise.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When we take things slowly, there is more room for correction and less mistakes will be made. But surely the desired success we wanted is assured.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Applause to this very one. Thanks sis

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Too much rushy sometimes lands someone in an unwanted destination. It's just like someone driving on the highway, ofcourse speeding is good to get to the destination quicker but there are times and things we have to slow down for along the way, if we decide to overlook that overheating spot because we want to arrive quicker then...🤦

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right on point. Thanks for the contribution.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

By saying slow down, we mean we take calculated steps. Slowly but surely.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sure. To ensure we get the best success both in our personal and professional lives, we need to slow down and understand those unclear moments that we overlooked.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

As much as we want to succeed in our lives, there's this thing of rushing things to the point that we can come up to a decisions in a wrong time and ways. That is why, we should learn to slow down or take it easy. As what they say, "Slowly but Surely!"

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Not every desired results are achieved with rushing. Slowly but surely works more better than being fast

$ 0.00
1 year ago