Building Up Confidence

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2 years ago

Lead Image Source: Unsplash

It is so possible, but somehow tougher to build up confidence, and this can be done by telling yourself that you are the best even when others write you down. Every of your thoughts about yourself and the words which you confess with your mouth are positive. If by any way people call you ugly, don't forget too soon that you were wonderfully made in the likeness of God Almighty, God is not ugly, so you can't be ugly. Never look down on yourself if you want to build confidence.

Lets be practical here; We all have people we admire, and 100% of the people we admire are successful fellows. Have a mental picture of that successful person you admire so much, try to see if that person felt the same way you do about yourself.

Take for instance, if the person you admire the most was Messi or Christian Ronaldo, both of them are successful in their careers and we all know that. Have a mental picture in your head where you are having a conversation with them, and in the conversation they were telling you what was bothering them. Messi said to you "I am so troubled because of Christian Ronald", or the way round, Christian Ronaldo voiced out "I am so troubled because of Messi". As their admirer how will you counsel them without causing any harm to any of them? I am so sure you wouldn't want to say anything negative, but you will let them know every of the outstanding qualities and skills they possess, going on to say that you would never compare both of them because you like them for who they are.

This are positive words, if you could do it to someother person, then i wouldn't see why it is too difficult and impossible to do it to your own self.

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How then can you build confidence

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, even when you are being laughed at don't be distracted. Keep focus and learn from your mistakes because you have something you are aiming at to get. It will never make sense to them but it is for your own good. Make yourself do things that seem impossible, things that looks crazy in the eyes of others. Don't ever feel bad that people will laugh at you or what they will think about you. Remember that you want to help yourself achieve something spectacular. Trust me you will never regret it.

You have all what it takes to recreate how people see you. When they notice that of all what they have done and said, you have not given up but the more confident you become, they will burry their face in shame and stop talking negative about you.

Take a piece of paper and a pen, write down all the peculiar things about yourself, whatsoever thing you know how to do, write all of them down also. Stop putting your mind on other peoples life, focus on making your own life look even more better. Always be grateful for the things you have cos a lot of people out there don't have what you have. Being grateful always will help build your confidence.

Letting fear of rejection by people get hold of you. This has a great effect on you to make you loose your self-confidence. To build it, you have to know that not everybody was suppose to be part of our lives, fight this fear and learn how to control it by being conscious of the fact that we can't make everybody love us. If people don't love you back, this is where you will learn to love yourself for who you are. Fight this fear and win it and you will build confidence in the process.

Any task that seems hard to do, we will never want to do them. For instance, writing a promotion exams at your work place, the questions set won't be simple, and because we need the promotion badly we will result to taking shortcuts so that we can write the exams and pass. Looking for shortcut, and other hacks with never help us to build our confidence. The journey to building confidence is not a cheap one, lots of challenges will set in, but with the right mind and persistence you will surely earn your confidence.

The main foundation to building confidence is believing in yourself. If you can't believe in yourself then all your efforts to building confidence is a waste of time. To achieve this, you have to believe in yourself, love yourself the more, and always say positive things about yourself.

The journey to building confidence is not cheap like i said earlier. In everything that you do and at some point you have this fear in you, just know that behind that fear lies confidence. If only you can fight the fear, then you will earn confidence at the end.

Lead Image Credit: Unsplash

Thank you for reading!!!

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2 years ago


I wish that it is like picking up a flower. Maybe I should be gentle to myself and embrace what I have

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow friend I really appreciate you for this wonderful write up, i have learnt that self confidence is the most important thing in life and if anyone lack it, it therefore means that the person is living a life of fear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nothing else will stop an individual from building confidence except fear. Resist Iran it will give you the chance to build self-confidence

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2 years ago