Awakening your mind and soul to the depth that you keep a strong belief in your capabilities

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2 years ago
Topics: Awakening, Mind, Change

Greetings great people. It's been a wonderful day, and the day is already giving way to a fresh new day that we have not withness before. I pray Tue8will be favorable into us all. Every opportunity we get will take us more closer to achieving our dreams.

Awakening your mind and soul to the depth that you keep a strong belief in your capabilities. Never are kings swords made without it passing through the fire. It takes determination and commitment to create beautiful and amazing things out of nothing.

Each day that passes, every individual ends with thousands of worries like how they will better their lives, marry the best wife, have beautiful children, how to grow their business, get a new job that is paying well, and what not. But we never considered why we stress ourselves to worry about this things. I see the reason to it. Everyone desires to have a absolute peace of mind during their sleep. But it is so unfortunate that most people stay awake throughout the darkest hour of the night with their minds filled with the thoughts of all this sad worries.

This is a picture of the kind of life most of us are living in this present time. You should ask yourself this question.....What is that thing that is giving me sleepless nights? Why all of a sudden I am so troubled about my worries and problems? Every slightest moment I get, my problems is what I will be complaining of? Has life been greedy enough to give me things I should be happy about?

And as life continues, there's a sudden reawakening, and all of a sudden friends, family, your colleagues at work begin to give positive feedbacks that you are becoming another person entirely. That things are changing around you. That no matter what you have in your possession, you value it like your life depends on it. I am not rushing to conclude the article, and you're not missing any part of it too. So stay with me.

This sudden change in you didn't happen out of the blue. The first instance I gave in the beginning of this article was, "Never are kings swords made without it passing through the fire". That is the principle that guards it. It must go through ugly processes, gets dirty, heated in the fire before it becomes something the king will delight in. Those worries and troubles in our lives are somehow beneficial, because it has the power of reawakening our minds to think on how to become much more better than what it use to be.

It is not too sweet or palatable to go through challenging times in life, but it is always sweet to know that at the end of it all, you will survive it. Tough times in life is an opportunity. Why? Because it will give us a reason to have a rethink, and this awakens our minds to believe in our capabilities.

Thank you for coming around today. You are the best thing that has happened to me here.

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2 years ago
Topics: Awakening, Mind, Change


Yes, tough times are opportunities for advancement. Just like they commonly say; "what can not kill you will make you stronger". That's exactly how it works, tough times are there to toughened us and make us stronger.

Also, thought times are bout to happen ones in a while in our lives. They're the test of life. We should pass them

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One can never run away from tough time no matter how rich, strong you are.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I beleived that the greatest glow up that we could get is having an open mind and peace in our soul. I'm pretty thankful that I was able to keep my perspective wide and positive as much as possible and reflect at the end of the day what should I enhance which I guess a pretty good start to changes my personality

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is the surest mate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago