Always Be There For Yourself

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2 years ago
Topics: Show up, You, Support

Lead Image Source: Unsplash

It is so natural that at some point in our lives we think of other people more than we do to ourselves. Just few questions before i begin what i have for today.

How many number of times have you praised others for their success? Check and see if it is the same you have done to yourself?

How often do you forgive others? Have you done same to yourself on a regular basis?

You are always there for other people in times of their need? How often do you spend with yourself alone when you are in difficult moments?

If you have never given yourself the level of attention you give to others, don't feel bad about it, it happened to me back then. I have the knowledge of what it feels like to put other peoples needs infront and never consider to care about your own needs, giving out your last for or beverages when you are still hungry.

We are always there for others no matter the time they need us. We suspend important things we ought to do for ourselves just to be around people comforting them. For our loved ones like our families, friends, we make sure that we support them in their career even when others don't do. But when it comes to our own selves we feel so tired and lazy to even say a positive word to ourselves.

It is not a bad thing to show up for other people when they need us, but what matters is that, do we also do same to ourselves even more than what we do to others. I am aiming at self-love. I could remember when i realized that i needed to give myself more attention, it wasn't easy as it took me time to master it. I grew the habit of always being there for me, doing things that will bring joy to me, and i did this without the validation of anybody. In the process i got to understand who i really am. If you don't spend time with yourself, you will never know who you are, what you like and dislike, you best color, etc.

Several times, the strength and positivity i used to support others then, i channeled it to my side. I gave myself all the support i needed, i forgive myself for every mistakes i made, loved me like never before, and not waiting for anyone to do it.

The whole thing led me to self-love, loving myself for who i am. And i would want you to do same because you will have this inner peace with yourself.

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Applaud yourself always

You will always have people around you to apply you whenever you are successful on a particular thing. You shouldn't be so comforted and relaxed with such mentality if you want to grow, it is good to expect cheers from people, but you shouldn't put all your mind on the support and encouragement that comes from others before you can achieve your goal in life. Not everyone that cheers you meant it, and sometimes the very people you had expected to get their support may never show up for you.

So now what do you do in such a situation? This is where self-love will come in, remind yourself of who you are, what you are capable of doing, how far you can go in life. Get the support you need from within you, know your value, and don't forget to always celebrate every successes both small and big.

Give yourself some quality time to have some fun

Don't be too busy with other that you forget to give yourself some quality time. Give yourself the best treat even, maybe doing the things you love doing, go to the cinema, or getting a massage. Just doing this alone will make you come alive, your mind will be refreshed. Don't let a day pass you by without creative some spare time for yourself. Like you have been going extra miles for people, do same to yourself and you will always that you for taking such step.

Forgive yourself for every mistake

In the process of learning how to always be there for yourself, you are bound to make mistake. Don't be mad or maybe get angry with yourself, know that in every of this mistakes there is a lesson to take out from it. If you forgive others, then you should do same to yourself without much delay. Just know that you are doing yourbest and everything will be fine.

Engage yourself in doing the things that gives you joy

If all what you do is pay attention to other peoples ideas and opinion, you will never come to the place where you would discover what gives you joy and peace of mind. If you really want to learn how to be there for yourself, then you need to do things that brings you joy, things you do with passion. What is most important is you being happy, and that requires that you remove the things that will bring displeasure to you and focus more on the things that will add great things to your life. This life we see is just too short, and wasting it on irrelevant things people and things is not worth it.

We all need to experience joy from within, but if we feel lost in the process of searching for this joy, don't be troubled as the solution to it is not too far from you. Spend some quality time with yourself, do what makes you feel happy, always be there for yourself everytime you need help. By this you will start to experience joy, you will enjoy peace from within, and the love you have towards you will grow more and more. Don't wait for anyone to validate you, be your biggest supporter, shine your light like never before and let the world know how worthy you are.

Lead Image Source: Unsplash

Thank you for reading!!

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$ 2.41 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for pejudear
2 years ago
Topics: Show up, You, Support


This post has added great value to my life, last week , I was battling with low self esteem, I though I wasn't good enough, had to meet with a psychologist. Who said the same thing to me..thank you dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am so glad that you have taken the decision to give yourself the love and attention it needs. No one was ever born with low self- esteem, so it's not something anyone can't fight. You can fight it dear, and i hope you find love and be able to build back your self-confidence. Good luck

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being there for ourselves is a good reasonable thoughts and must people don't normally do understand it because if we love ourselves we will not be able to ought our thought and feeling, more over much people atimes might see this as selfishness but in the order hand it's not selfishness it's something we have to do and it's a vital necessity for us, because you start from been there for your self before you reach it out to others, so learning to take good care of our selves, loving ourselves, having good time for ourselves would bring much growth to us..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are so right. Spending more time alone will lead to our growth on every side. You shouldn't be bothered about what people will say, all you should focus on is how to create happiness from within you. And spending time with yourself will help you achieve this. You will feel more better too

$ 0.00
2 years ago