A better life on the other side of fear

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2 years ago

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If you want something, then you must always walk your way through to get it, same thing with our lives, if you desire a better life then you need to fight that fear in you. You know, fear is just like a thick cloth covering you, stopping you from doing the things that would've added something spectacular or brought change into your life.

Most of the time you jubilate over it that you were able to stop yourself from taking that risk to get what you want, you don't want to discomfort yourself in any way. At this point you are not the one incharge of you but fear is the one stopping you from stepping out of your comfort zone, and if you still remain in that position for a longer period of time, there will be no change in you as you will be stagnated.

Fear has the power to hold back your happiness and even growth, you will stop growing both in knowledge and otherwise if you are so comfortable in a particular spot in life. How can you get better, more wiser, more competent, and more stronger if you don't try to do new things, it is impossible. Those lessons you learn in the process of trying out new things, taking challenges is what build you into a better version of you. We all have our own fears and not excluding myself, but what makes the difference between me and some persons is that i am always able to fight those fears each time they show up, i can't allow it to masquerade me from seeing the other side of life.

It took me years to master this and you too can do it in few months if you are so determined to leave that supposed safe space you are dwelling in now. Dear friend reading this, i desire a better life for you and from the little points i have made and will make in this article i hope you will see the need to step out of your comfort zone, trust me you will never regret you took that step.

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Outside your comfort zone is enough space for growth. Somebody will ask how? Let me use a seed of corn to explain this. A seed of corn can never grow and bear fruits inside a container where it was kept, it is so comfortable in that container that nothing disturbs it and if you ask me, that seed wants to remain there forever. No growth is happening around that seed lying in that container, but the moment the farmer takes it out of its comfort zone which was the container into the uncomfort zone which is the earth, growth is bound to set in. Growth does not just happen immediately, that seed will go through some processes, that if you are able to track each of this processes, at some point that beautiful seed you once knew now turns into something that brings out a bad odor, but even in all of this that same seed will make the farmer smile one day.

There is nothing so different about this when compare to we humans. It's in the discomfort where growth lies. The one problem that we have is that sometimes we are always afraid to take any challenge just for the fear of failing. Know this, at every point of failure, that is the starting point of success. More lessons are learned when a person fails on a particular thing, and it us even more better than when no attempt was made on that same thing. Try doing something different today, no pain no gain. The road to success is not always easy, take those chances now because it will always contribute to your growth in the future.

You have all it takes to fight fear and take control of your life, move from your comfort zone into the uncomfort, freedom is awaiting you there. I know very well that the starting point is not that easy, i mean that first step always seems hard, but i assure you that the moment you take that step, you will never regret it. Time waits for nobody, so don't waste in dwelling in your comfort zone, go out ther let and make a difference cos the world is waiting to see what you've got in you.

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Thank you for your time. Remain blessed......

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2 years ago


Fear has caused a lot of damage to many. I was a victim some time ago, but thanks to my tutor who talked me out of it. Now I can face it when it comes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I normally used to say that fear can kill faster than a bullet because when some is been overwhelmed by fear it will be very hard before such person can come out of his her comfort zone because he will always have a thought of failing in his mind so because of that this classes of people would not try new thing in other not witness failures, they are always relax, they like where they are , they love their situations and they wouldn't listen or give a try to any new opportunity. Everything that we desire, or want in life is hidden in the other hand side of fear, so 90 percent of our fear doesn't exist while the remaining 10% percent is overwhelming.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Fight fear and live a happy life after

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's really true friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is a reward after overcoming fear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

To me that reward is bravery.

$ 0.00
2 years ago