The last few months have been a test of patience for real estate developers and homebuyers alike. Both parties were eagerly waiting for the lockdown to be lifted. While homebuyers were waiting to resume home-hunt and book their new home, developers were waiting to get business back on track. And thankfully, the wait is over now as physical site visits have been resumed at Mahindra Windchimes. Of course, with all the safety measures being taken.

Going Back To The Pre-COVID Era

In April 2020, Mahindra Windchimes had received interest for site visits from many homebuyers. But with the lockdown being imposed, the requests could not be fulfilled. However, the team at Mahindra Lifespaces had promised every homebuyer that a safe site visit will be arranged as soon as the lockdown is lifted. And the team lived up to the promise successfully!

As of July 2020, the number of site visits at Mahindra Windchimes has matched the number in pre-lockdown times. If a homebuyer wants to visit the project, they can do so without harbouring any fear in their mind. The stringent safety measures being taken at the project site has enabled Mahindra Lifespaces achieve this result. Besides the on-site precautions, we’ve also enabled virtual tours for people using online home search for our projects.

Safety precautions being followed at Mahindra Windchimes project site:

Appointments are mandatory for homebuyers to do a site visit After an appointment is scheduled by a homebuyer, a set of guidelines is shared to encourage them to follow some safety measures on their own (Insert photo of the guidelines. Ask the client for this.) Markings are made on the ground outside the site premises to ensure social distancing is being followed by visitors while waiting in the queue A washbasin is installed at the security gate so homebuyers can wash hands their before starting their site tour Hand sanitisation and thermal screening are conducted for each person before they enter the site premises Foot-operated hand sanitiser dispensers are installed outside the sales office Wearing a mask inside the premises is made compulsory for each person Chairs and sofas inside the sales office are spaced according to social distancing norms Sanitisation of surfaces inside the sales office is done at regular intervals Discussions are conducted in the lobby and meetings rooms are avoided No more than 4 people are allowed inside elevators at a time Buttons inside elevators are sanitised at regular intervals Ensuring a safe and convenient site visit experience for homebuyers is the topmost priority for the team at Mahindra Windchimes. Once the extended lockdown ends, you can safely visit our projects to explore the details yourself. AlternativelyFree Reprint Articles, you can explore the project through our property virtual tours as well.

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@pau02 posted 3 years ago
