Tetris Evolution (2007) Xbox 360 // Game Review Rating: 3/10

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3 years ago

Overview & Gameplay

This game builds on the original game's solid foundations by borrowing the same features and adding many new game modes. We find the traditional Marathon mode, which offers us to evolve with the minutes and the successful lines and accelerate the rhythm according to our results. Relatively simple, it remains as compelling as ever. Then comes the Ultra mode, a time-limited version in which you can play against the clock for 1, 3 or 5 minutes. The Stunt mode proposes to eliminate the lines likely to cause stunts that will result in bonus points. Then comes the Race mode, which requires you to eliminate the set number of lines as quickly as possible, and the Score mode uses the same concept but with points levels to reach. Hotline is a slightly more original game mode, as it involves destroying specific lines in the matrix. Finally, the Go-Low gives us points according to the highest block's location when a line is eliminated.

There are a lot of game modes, but unfortunately, they are still very similar in concept. The difficulty level is relatively high and will give you a lot of trouble if you want to unlock all the achievements.

Graphics & Sound

As you might expect, this new version doesn't bring much to the license from a visual perspective, even though it was a new generation game at the time of its release. Tetris is still Tetris, that's a fact, but we would have liked to find more visual effects during the games or even more elaborate models of the different pieces. On the other hand, the menu has been given special attention with a dynamic setting and a total reworking of the game's famous official song. Finally, it is essential to know that the game benefits from many customization possibilities, as much for the avatar (more than 300 drawings) as for the wallpaper (composed of real videos). The whole is somewhat convincing, but unfortunately, it doesn't fit well with the rooms' aesthetics and the game in general.

From the music point of view, the whole is somewhat convincing, with revisited themes, techno music, rock and even classical music. Everyone will find something to his liking.


In the end, Tetris Evolution struggles to convince us due to a cruel lack of novelties. Because if the Tetris atmosphere is respected and the title offers enough game modes to vary the pleasures, we have to admit that we would have liked more novelties than a few simple variants. However, fans of the famous puzzle game will appreciate the effort THQ has put into this game.

$ 0.14
$ 0.14 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for patientgamer9
3 years ago


I'm amazed that the game is still alive (and on Xbox too!). The last time I played this was on Facebook, ahh the good 'ol days!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hahah! Tetris has spanned many generations now!

$ 0.00
3 years ago