Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) Xbox 360 Game Review

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4 years ago

I was so excited when it was announced that Sonic would appear on the Xbox 360. And what better way to start over on a good basis than an episode that goes back to the sources of the saga, with a new overpowering graphics engine and an increased level of difficulty?

Well, I was disappointed.

Since its transition to 3D, the Sonic series seems to have lost its status as the best platform game. The press criticized this game and rightly so. But it is clear that if Sonic the hedgehog is indeed full of more or less embarrassing flaws and it was a severe disappointment to me as a Sonic fan from the Sega Genesis era.

The game suffers from many significant flaws. Sonic suffers from extremely poorly placed cameras. These, which always tend to go to the sides during too tight loops and to follow the action incorrectly are indeed the worst defect of the game.

The second major flaw is the lack of precision with the controls. I remember the Sega Genesi incarnation of Sonic - the controls were tight, fast and snappy. On the Xbox 360, it feels and suffers from a lack of precise handling, which goes against the whole premise and point of the Sonic brand.

Sonic could have been one of the defining platform games on the Xbox 360. A new high-performance graphics engine to deliver Sonic into the next generation of console gamers. But alas, it failed to deliver on the high promise. Maybe, as a fan, I had too high hopes and expectations.

In the end, Sonic the hedgehog was a colossal disappointment, and many gamers were left dissatisfied with its release.

$ 0.04
$ 0.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for patientgamer9
4 years ago



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3 years ago

Awesome post

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3 years ago

Great posts

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