Just Cause (2006) Xbox 360 Game Review

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3 years ago

Take GTA 3, add a jungle worthy of Far Cry to it, and gameplay as dynamic as that of a total overdose. Sprinkle it all with Mercenaries and finally incorporate a hero who looks like Antonio Banderas.


The American government sends Rico Rodriguez to overthrow the regime in place on the island of San Esperito. In total, it is 1025 km² that you will have to travel to overcome President Mendoza and his army of criminals. And since it is GTA-like, all means will be good to achieve your ends.

The first minutes of play are particularly intense and immerse you directly in action. After a short cutscene, Rico throws himself from a midair plane and begins a free fall several hundred meters long. A particularly fun phase of play will be followed by the opening of the parachute, which will prevent you from crashing like a pancake on the ground. As soon as you have your feet on solid ground, you are already the object of untimely shots! A long phase of gunfights begins for Rico and his partner in which the bodies line up over time on the ground. The partner takes the wheel and leaves Rico with the heavy task of taking care of the pursuers.


Just Cause is, therefore, a rather muscular GTA-like that tends to be too action-oriented. In addition to the main missions, which will require you to attack a stronghold or eliminate an important personality, you will participate in many side missions. In addition to the timed races, you will have to liberate the various provinces of San Esperito by leading assaults with several dozen warriors who will help you free the villages from the grip of President Mendoza. Once released, they will provide you with safety and a haven for your next missions. Finally come the classic missions, like stealing a truck, destroying a plantation, etc.

To achieve your objectives, you will, of course, have a substantial arsenal, consisting of both revolvers and submachine guns, snipers, or rocket launchers. For its part, the agency will provide you with information and gadgets (such as the grapple launcher, which allows you to be towed by parachute by a vehicle), which will be useful to you throughout the adventure. Nothing prevents you from using the many cars that will be at your disposal (arcade driving)! And as much to say that you will be spoiled for choice with the eighty-nine vehicles offered by Just Cause! Apart from cars, you can take control of jeeps, motorcycles, helicopters, boats, mini-submarines, and jet skis, which will all allow you to pick up the pace until the next briefing. And if you can't find someone to carjack, you can always ask the agency to ship you the vehicle of your choice by helicopter drop!


After Saints Row, Just Cause inaugurates the GTA-like style and can boast of having one of the most beautiful graphics engines. Just Cause is simply stunning. For once, the jungle does not look like a simple collection of trees, and we can highlight the work of graphic designers. In addition to exemplary models - whether characters, vehicles, or sets - we will highlight the care given to the very lively landscapes in which you will walk. It would not be easy to create a better atmosphere than that which emanates from Just Cause.


Just Cause is undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable action games on the Xbox 360, besides the AI ​​problems and the few bugs. If tempted that you like the style, do not hesitate.

$ 0.37
$ 0.37 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
