Crackdown (2007) Xbox 360 Game Review

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3 years ago


No identity, no past, a very unspecified future. This is what awaits you as an Agent of the Agency. This organization brings together all the world's police forces to form an elite unit responsible for bringing order to cities. Here, problems are solved with machine guns, rocket launchers and grenades. Three major criminal organizations reign terror in the streets; each one is sharing a bit of territory. At the centre of all this chaos: the HQ of the Agency. The starting point.


One light, one medium and one heavy, three vehicles are accessible to you in the Agency. If we can note the cruel absence of two-wheelers, all other types of four-wheelers are available. However, the notable difference between these civilian vehicles and those of the Agency is in the lifespan. On the other hand, the 4x4 of the Agency is quite solid and will follow you during heated battles unless you aim at the ocean, of course. But the best means of transport remains these formidable legs of a super-soldier ready to do anything to decimate the opposing gang, even to rise on the highest tower of the tallest building in town. For this, a fabulous jump system is available.

The jump is, without a doubt, the most used action during the game. Jumping from rooftops to roofs, from buildings to buildings to climb the buildings that house the most sought-after enemies, are all actions that will be quickly mastered. All you have to do is search for the five hundred agility orbs and other hundreds of secret orbs to advance this skill and jump further and further, higher and higher. Once the game's story is over, the player will have a perfect overview of his profile. More points in strength and explosives? No doubt about it, he's a stallion! Therefore, skills that are very cleverly upgradeable, giving you, with each new level you reach (out of the four planned, plus a fifth representing perfection) completely new possibilities. Carrying heavier loads or better managing grenades and their explosions, but also and above all: improved driving skills!

Anyone who has played less than an hour at Crackdown will tell you that vehicles are uncontrollable and therefore unplayable. This is completely false, or almost completely wrong. If indeed, it is downright impossible to manage your route at the beginning of the game, you will only need to take a few levels to improve it. You either have to do some stunts (which is practically impossible at the beginning of the game), or you have to run over the enemy. Another notable change is our character's physical aspect, which matures with time spent in the game.

As previously mentioned, the city is divided into three gangs. Each has its own lieutenants and ultimately a more devious boss. These high-level targets are not indicated on the map until you are close to the target or, more often than not, until a member of the Peacekeepers (the local police force) gives you some information about its location. Only when you know where your target(s) are (if you like to accumulate them), will you see them appear on the map. Then it's up to you to play it smart and try to find the building's holes or go straight to the enemy's HQ to find it and put a hole in its bulletproof vest.


Crackdown is still a great game! Collecting orbs is a lot of fun, and the jumps are enjoyable to perform. Crackdown is one of those titles you need on the Xbox 360!

$ 0.23
$ 0.23 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
