Freedom through writing

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Avatar for panterablack
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Lifestyle, Writing, Freedom, Blog, ...
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Writing is one of the most effective ways to free our mind, I don't know if it has happened to you as it has to me on occasions where you feel overwhelmed by things in life that escape from your hands, but when we are like this, writing becomes a quick and quite accessible way to express ourselves.

Many times we are looking for more than a kind of comfort, it's not even necessary to be read, but just to let go of that thing that overwhelms us so much and we don't know how to get it out of our thoughts. Particularly this is something that usually happens to me, which is why I have resorted to writing to have some peace of mind.

In that sense I can notice a great importance in this matter, as human beings we have ups and downs in life, and although this is not a form of therapy can be considered as a very healthy one, which we would do very well to practice.

Juan and his fears

Little Juan was a very shy boy, he could not relate to others, his parents worried about the matter and asked specialists to help him, but instead of improving his situation, the poor boy got worse and worse, and in this situation, they began to involve him in recreational activities to see if they could achieve some improvement.

Time went by and Juan became more and more isolated, what his parents did not know was that this child had a great fear when it came to expressing himself. In his short life he had experienced rejection, and the most painful thing was that it had been in his own family, what Juan did not know was that he only had to express himself to find a way out of his disturbing situation.

One day, in the school where he studied, his tutor was changed, and the one who was replacing him quickly noticed his situation, this was thanks to the comment of a young girl who in a mocking voice mentioned the following phrase: "He is Juan, the one without friends", it quickly caused concern, and because of this, the new tutor focused on solving, because a 7 year old child who has no friends is something that any responsible person should be concerned about.

Fortunately for Juan, this teacher knew exactly what he was going through, since many years in his childhood she also suffered the same, and with a lot of empathy she approached him and gave him a sheet of paper with something written on it, there you could read - hey Juan, do you want to say something? - to which the boy answered with a very big and black NO . For the teacher his answer was excellent, because she knew that Juan only needed a means of expression.

Image of my authorship made in Adobe Photoshop

The next day, the experienced teacher brought a drawing and gave it to little Juan, in that drawing was a boy flying with wings on his back and a big pencil in his hand, the little boy when he saw this was impressed, and quickly looked for a sheet of paper from his notebook, tore it out and wrote in the form of a question what that drawing was, to which his teacher said aloud: That's you Juan. Those words were very funny, and the boy began to laugh loudly, his classmates were surprised because they did not know what was going on.

That same afternoon, the teacher had a conversation with his parents, giving them to understand that Juan had a problem in his way of expression, so they began to write to him and Juan was responding in the same way. One day without knowing, when his parents woke up, there was a long and extensive writing where the boy told them many things, after reading it with tears in their eyes they went running to his room and Juan was there playing as if nothing happened, when he saw them he said: Good morning, I love you very much!

From that moment on, Juan's life changed, the little boy understood that saying what he felt was the best way to leave his pain behind and move on, his life was never the same, now he had friends, and he behaved like any other child who enjoyed the day to day even though things were not always as he wanted, sometimes he took a pencil and paper to write down his thoughts, and after that he moved on as if nothing had happened, Juan was calm, he had found freedom through writing.

This little story I have written, is an example of how writing can be something liberating, for example before making this post I was quite stressed, but after expressing my thoughts through these lines I am calmer, and although I have not talked about my problems or personal situations, no doubt having written causes in me a very liberating effect, I hope you can put it into practice, it is not a tutorial or anything like that, it is just a thought that I wanted to communicate and share.

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Thanks for reading

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Avatar for panterablack
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Lifestyle, Writing, Freedom, Blog, ...


Aww. That is such a nice story my friend!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Writing is one way that we could express our emotions or feeling privately. Others that can't express vocally, they do writing to lessen their pains. We're free to write. Thus in writing, we can use our freedom.

$ 0.00
2 years ago