Wrong Dedication February 14

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I made this story not because I'm sick of the special day that falls on this day 14/02/2022 but because of the many mistakes that occur and create negative views that should not be made by people on a day that has made history for happiness.

In any medium that exists in this part of the world incessantly dedicating this with greetings and giving gifts, flowers are scattered everywhere, streets and crowded places are synonymous with the color pink.

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But the odd thing happened when last year I still remember watching television broadcasts with very sad news when I saw a woman distributing flowers to people who were in a car. Giving flowers is a common thing because flowers are synonymous with love, but it turns out that behind the gift of flowers there is another item tucked away, namely 'condoms' as a contraceptive for intimate relationships.

This problem provides a paradigm that the meaning of Valentine's Day has been misunderstood because it has given the assumption that Valentine's Day is synonymous with last night to sleep together.

It can no longer be hidden and this has actually happened, the way many young couples have done intercourse in a place that makes them comfortable. in a quiet tourist spot, a rented house that is far from the reach of my parents, even I remember when I was in college and most of them did it in a boarding house or rented room for students.

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Maybe you've all seen meme images that are often shared with the words 'today is planting seeds'. This is interpreted as Valentine's Day has become the day to make seeds in a woman's womb.

There are also many other concepts that occur when night falls there is a banquet by consuming alcohol and some of those involved are men and women who do not have partners or girlfriends. so that after they are drunk, they continue to have love and sleep together without using protective equipment or condoms.

Problems that occur as the description of the context above may be only part of the concept of those who dedicate this way when welcoming the arrival of the color orange, there are many other ways that are made.

Moments like this have made it easy for many children to often fall into various problems such as:

  • Pregnant at a young age

  • Education stopped

  • Weak fetus

  • Future is ruined

  • Married young

  • Abortion

  • Prostitution

Like rice has turned into porridge, that is the language that is often spoken when it comes to feeling momentary happiness which leads to the destruction suffered within or the inner pressure that must be experienced by parents, who have sacrificed to give their sweat for the success of a child. but in reality everything had to change and not according to plan.

Consciously or not, this kind of problem really destroys the prestige or reputation of the family, many parents don't accept this fact so they throw them out or don't think of them as children anymore. It's also really dramatic when you see couples who are still easily married without a job and who are not yet suitable to be parents, so it's very difficult to build a family life because they don't have a job and a steady income. and finally many incidents of divorce and infidelity that occurred.

Maybe we should dig deeper into the history of valentine's story that must be understood so that the meaning of this story can be properly dedicated and can be useful for personal life and for everyone.

Valentine's Story History

Valentine's story you may all know, but many people are still confused by the love story, which is commemorated every year by many people in this world.

Begins with the story of a priest who came from Rome named Saint Valentine De Terni who had to suffer because he was imprisoned for marrying a pair of lovers secretly or secretly. but this marriage was eventually discovered by Emperor Claudius II who did not want or did not agree with the way that was done by the priest Valentine. This marriage was hidden because the man of this couple was a member of the military personnel which Emperor Claudius thought would ruin the performance of the personnel on the battlefield.

In prison, Pastor Valentine met a warden or prison guard named Asterius. This warden always mocked the ability of Valentine as a priest or Catholic priest, then he challenged the priest to cure his daughter named Julia who was born blind.

Pastor Valentine then reads prayers to restore Julia's vision. By the power of God, Julia was completely healed so that she could see again. After seeing the incident, Asterius became amazed by the power of Pastor Valentine, finally he converted to Christianity and freed the priest from prison.

The news reached Emperor Claudius II. with the incident that was heard that made the emperor angry and immediately gave orders to the soldiers to behead the priest Valentine and warden Asterius on February 14, 271 AD.

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When the day came to behead Pastor Valentine and warden Asterius or Julia's father, the priest wrote a letter to Julia that read 'From Your Velentine'. Valentine's Day of death is finally the basis for the celebration of February 14, which is known as Valentine's Day.

The story of February 14 was later determined by the Roman Pope Gelasius in the 5th century AD. Until now Valentine's Day is considered the most precious moment for love stories.

That's the story that actually happened, and these stories have opened the view that Valentine's Day is dedicated to remembering the love shown by a priest to Julia who had recovered from blindness even though Valentine's Pastor had to accept death.

That's what we have to do or dedicate to everyone about the meaning of Valentine's Day, sacrifice to help others even though we have to suffer.

So make no mistake, Valentine's Day is not just to give love to your idol or have an inappropriate relationship. Valentine's Day is a day where everyone shares love, is ready to help and share without having to look at other people's backgrounds. Be ready to help others even if you know they can't help you.

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© 2022 Pajeroz . This article is provided for informational purposes only. is not offered or intended to be used as copyright infringement, hate speech, data manipulation or otherwise.

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That is the worst definition of valentine's nowadays. It's sad but generations by generations valentine's Day change.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

that's a change that has actually happened, everything has changed and now as the next generation actually have to open their minds and insights that the baton of life lies in the younger generation. may the growth of the soul which is always in a positive nature will always occur.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The way how V-day turned out to be these recent years is quite sad. Way back many years ago, these things seldom happened. Changes certainly occurred, unfortunately for the young ones who easily fall prey to fad and peer influences, they usually turn the wrong way.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

such is the impact of current progress which is very thick with promiscuity. maybe also because of the influence of the media that has gone out of morality.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's quite sad the the real essence of valentines day have been twisted... In my parts if the world, teenagers become so wild on valentines day

$ 0.02
2 years ago

it's true what you said friend, teenagers now are like wild lions who do all kinds of ways in satisfaction. let alone valentine's day as they do parties and erotic passion. very ironic

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You remind me of this story again, thanks for sharing this.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you friends for reading for stories that some people have experienced. I hope this can give a positive view to many people because every case that occurs is a view that often misjudges every truth that exists.

$ 0.00
2 years ago