Red Snapper | Saltwater Fish

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4 months ago

As a person who lives in a mountainous area, I am someone who is not familiar with fish. Most of my food comes from plantations, farms and forests, I like vegetables and fruit, you could say I was raised as a vegetarian. If my body detects it, ⁸⁵% is green blood. When I go to the rice fields the main fishing is freshwater fish, goldfish and tilapia as well as frogs and eels are traditional dishes but I rarely do this because the water area is quite far from the settlement, only when the village youth community travels to the rice fields to eat together then the process fish burning is carried out.

Talking about sea fish, it looks like I have to go back to college because my body is rarely contaminated with salt water fish. I don't know because I rarely see it, I need to know because I lack knowledge, this may be my mindset scheme. Sometimes moments come without planning, I don't think about meeting something new but that's what happens, it's like fishing in fresh water but the fishing rod is eaten by a salt water fish.

I went on holiday at my brother's house, his house is very far, about 115 km from my house, you could say he lives in an area close to the beach but he is not a fisherman. I only realized when I was there that I was close to salt water, I could smell a strong fishy smell that penetrated my head, I felt like I was going to be nauseous. My footsteps led to the side of the house door, it turned out to be a pile of sea fish soaking in a bucket.

That was my brother cleaning his fish.

My nausea disappeared, as my thoughts turned to wonder. The first time I met a red fish in person.

The shape is quite large, similar to a freshwater goldfish!

After I researched it, it turns out the name of this fish is red snapper, I don't know the Latin name.

Because I was increasingly curious, I looked for detailed information via Wikipedia

Kakap merah adalah jenis ikan kakap yang tubuhnya berwarna merah. Seluruh spesies kakap merah termasuk dalam famili Lutjanidae. Ukuran tubuhnya besar, memanjang dan melebar, serta gepepng atau melonjong. Kakap merah merupakan jenis ikan demersal yang hidup di perairan laut dangkal maupun laut dalam di perairan Samudra Atlantik dan Indo-Pasifik. Sifatnya yang eurihalin membuat kakap merah dapat dibudidayakan di tambak maupun di keramba jaring apung. Kakap merah mengandung protein dan asam amino yang mudah dicerna, sehingga menjadi salah satu ikan bernilai ekonomi untuk dijual dan dikonsumsi.

Indonesian version

It turns out that red snapper has very high nutritional value. Maybe this is what makes this fish so difficult to find, apart from being difficult to get, this fish is also very expensive.

There are also other colored fish, like tilapia fish and I often encounter these.

According to my brother, this fish tastes delicious when grilled or grilled. The nutritional value will not be lost and is maintained so that the fire made using coconut shells is lit.

This is an added value in my knowledge about marine biota, especially food, maybe this is a small thing that I discovered because there are still many species found in the sea that have not been explored. For those of you who live in coastal areas, you definitely know this marine biota and probably often eat it.

It turns out that the richness of the ocean cannot be underestimated, apart from being able to be consumed continuously by humans, it can also be a source of income. I just realized that the lives of fishermen who have struggled with the ferocity of ocean waves can provide life for many people. They deserve appreciation for work that can risk their lives. Not everyone can catch fish in the ocean, only certain people have courage and special skills.

With this I also understand why our ancestors often preached about preserving nature, it turns out this message is universal. It is not only forests and mountains that are often discussed for their sustainability but also waters including the ocean.

I can only smile and be concerned, truly noble are those who work for the lives of many people. Maybe the nutrition in my drumstick will increase when I eat Red Snapper.

Preserve nature not only outside and inside the earth but also in the water.

Thank You !


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4 months ago


This was a very enjoyable read. It's strange how those living nearby the sea rarely visit it. I think if you long for different taste then what you used to eat your body lacks nutrition and most likely for a longer period since it always shows late.

I wonder how that pink fish tastes. I never saw it.


$ 0.00
4 months ago

This is a rare fish, this fish can provide nutrition to my body because this fish has high nutrition. I am also a layman in understanding marine biota, so I can only explain from the little experience I have encountered.

$ 0.00
4 months ago

Thanks for sharing the info. A happy Sunday to you.

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4 months ago