Can Earth Survive Without Trees?

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The present era may have changed a lot with many shifts in attitudes and actions by humans, as inhabitants of the universe. That, I can take from life now that has left the old pattern of life. However, as a person born in the 80s, my parents and teachers taught me to learn to preserve nature and everything in it. The meaning of the word preserve is how we can coexist with nature without destroying it, because it must be recognized that, as humans who still live in this world, we are very dependent on nature. In this case, the continuity of the breath of life depends on how we treat nature.

However, all the progress that has taken place in this world has had an impact that the condition of the earth is starting to become apprehensive. Whether we realize it or not, we are starting to manipulate natural ecosystems without renewing them. Our lives are only focused on ways on how we can make money from nature without thinking about the child in the womb and the child who is currently living and living side by side with us at this time. What I mean is the massive exploitation of the diversity and wealth contained in the earth, has been absorbed and used commercially for the sake of increasing personal and group wealth.

There's no need to hide anymore. The current reality is that the government is also involved in environmental damage for the sake of building infrastructure development. This may seem good to some circles, but actions like this actually have the assumption that the government is only maintaining its good name in public and being labeled a hero because it can build extraordinary infrastructure. There is one selfishness, namely government officials or officials only maintain their seat position and maintain their popularity. Where does regeneration go after the earth will become bare without trees? Or is there a plan for certain circles to move humans to Mars?

I stood under the pine trees and looked up at the top of the tree, I almost cried when I saw the height of this tree that has grown hundreds of years. I thought, how many generations have passed the age of this tree? I mean, people who have been born and left (passed away) from this world, since these trees were planted and grew.

I am standing under a pine tree, hundreds of years old.
Maybe, the population of hundreds of years old trees is starting to decrease.
I hope, we can fight for the safety of the earth.

I might not be able to live without trees, you might say the same thing. Try to look at your young children and look at the forest that is starting to get denuded, can they live without trees anymore? We as adults who have lived with all the goodness of nature, must have felt its goodness, but small children will no longer feel the same way.

It's time, we fight for this earth for the safety of regenerating life, what is the use of abundant treasures if this earth is no longer safe to live in. A stark warning to those of us who live today, trying to bring Earth's life back to the true trend.

Let go of all selfishness and personal interests, I, you and all of us are the key to saving the earth. One tree means a lot for one generation, millions of trees mean a lot for a million human beings.

Thank you for reading!.

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We should take care of mother earth, but sad to say our nature right now is already damaged, there are a lot of people who make illegal logging, but we should try to save our nature by planting trees, but anyway nice to meet you here on read cash.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you friends, try to start from yourself, hopefully the earth can be overcome.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I love the trees! The earth is taking care of people and we should take care of the nature too..

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, is true

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's a beautiful tree that pine you have there. How many lives it has seen go by.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

thank you mother, according to old people's stories, this pine tree is hundreds of years old.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Without trees Earth would not survive.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I, agree with you friend, thank you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago