Broken Plate

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Have you ever dropped a plate? thus breaking it. Maybe we often encounter this question and we even do it when we are stunned, stressed, drunk, angry and maybe mentally ill. I once broke a plate to smithereens but I was conscious and not mentally ill.

Have you thought about reconnecting it?

It might be very difficult for us to do, we better think about buying it back, but unlike me who lives simply, one plate is so precious that I tried to attach it using adhesive glue, but the result still looks BROKEN.

Sometimes life is like this broken plate, when we have never been hurt by other people means that we have not received a sorry word but when we are hurt by others, a broken line will be engraved in a heart that was once happy but has been shattered into pieces.

You may be a very strong person to deal with the wounds that have occurred but every wound will surely leave a mark. Many wounds that pour down on everyone and do not always come from other people, sometimes wounds come from within oneself because of failure and not achieving desires.

You may have a purpose in life because you have a brain to think, if you don't have a goal, what's the point of working day and night and spending time reading and writing articles, maybe you would be lying if you said this is just entertainment because you almost spend all day writing , read and comment but you must remember that the main source of pain is your own expectations.

We really miss satisfying results from our goals and plans, so we will try to work hard and think hard and even stress just to get 100% maximum results because there is no easy process to get beautiful results, work, work, work, think and think but there are failures and that's the pain.

Bitter experience will continue to be a wound even though the pain has gone.

Presented By pajeroz

Image source by BRRT from Pixabay and edited by myself.

$ 0.47
$ 0.41 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @gertu13
$ 0.03 from @GarrethGrey07
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As you rightly said, the scars of our past will always be found even when we have totally forgotten about them. My question is, how can we forget about those scars?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

the former will still be the former if we force ourselves to forget it then it will keep coming back, only memory and thoughts can answer all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Normally in each hard-works and efforts there's really a goal behind it. However Disappointment and expectations are actually the real cause of our pain.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

the pain will come when we meet the results that are not suitable, considering the factors of fatigue and unfulfilled expectations.

$ 0.00
2 years ago