Electoral rector sees unfeasible way to collect signatures for recall against Maduro "The process will be carried out without an audit of the software that guarantees the integrity and inviolability of the process," said Roberto Picón. The rector of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela Roberto Picón denounced this Friday that "it is not feasible" the format approved by the body of which he is a part for the collection of signatures that, later, activate the referendum to revoke Nicolás Maduro from the position of president .

"It is not possible. Five voters would have to be processed per minute, for 12 hours, in all the machines in the country, with no margin of error », the rector indicated on his Twitter account.

Picón pointed out that there is no time to notify citizens of the signature collection points, which will be defined this weekend.

“The process will be carried out without a software audit that guarantees the integrity and inviolability of the process, without time to name witnesses at the 1,200 points, without biosecurity measures. If there was a call, there would be queues of 300 people at the peak of the omicron, "added Picón.

For all these reasons, the rector added that he saved his vote (abstained) from this process because "it is not feasible."

Shortly before, the CNE announced that it has set for next Wednesday, January 26, the day on which citizens will be able to collect, for twelve hours, the necessary signatures (corresponding to 20% of the electorate in each state) to activate the referendum that remove Nicolás Maduro from the position of president.

“According to the decision of the electoral body, the reception day for the expressions of will (collection of signatures) for the recall referendum will take place on January 26 between the hours of 6:00 (10:00 GMT) and 18:00 (22:00 GMT)," the entity said in a press release.

The CNE highlighted that the electoral register that will be used to validate this process of collecting signatures will be the same one that was approved for the regional and local elections of last November 21, in which it is stated that there are 21,929,987 registered voters.

“In order to comply with the activation requirement of the presidential recall referendum, 20% of the electoral registry must be reached in each of them, as established by the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice in 2016,” he added.

That is, in each state, the organizers must receive the support of at least 20% of the registered electorate.

Venezuelan opponent César Pérez Vivas criticized the schedule published by the CNE for this process.

Article 72 of the Venezuelan constitution establishes the referendum for all positions of popular election, after half of the period for which he was elected with a number not less than 20% of the registered voters, however, it does not indicate lapses for this amount. of signatures.

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@pabloy7654 posted 2 years ago
