Brief text about suicide

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2 years ago
Topics: Vida, Deportes, Poetry, Artist, Venezuela, ...

The Sorrows of Young Werther (By the great Goethe) was a book I read at a very young age. The ending of the story is tragic. Young Werther was a handsome boy who was in love with a married woman. However, his love was unrequited. The fact is that in the end young Werther ends up committing suicide.

At that time young Germans wanted to be like young Werther, to dress as he was described in the book, to act like him and, yes, to end up like him. The fact is that young men began to commit suicide coinciding with the fever of the novel (The Sorrows of Young Werther). This caused the novel to be banned in several countries.

The Werther effect:

A sociologist named David Phillips conducted a study between 1947 and 1968 showing that every time the New York Times published a suicide, the suicide rate increased every month. He called this particular phenomenon the Werther Effect.

This reminds me of so many unfortunate things, stories and events. It is inevitable for me to remember when one of the greatest voices of Rock Crhis Cornell (Vocalist of Soundgarden and Audioslave) decided to take his own life in a hotel room. Shortly after Chester Bennintong, Linkin Park's vocalist, took his own life at home in the same way as his friend Chris Cornell.

(Chris Cornell)

This is a short publication. What I perhaps mean by all of the above is :

We should be more attentive to our friends, our children, our wives, our parents etc.. We don't know how everyone around us really feels inside. Sometimes listening to them is enough to avoid a tragic decision.

Undoubtedly, the causes of suicide are multifactorial. Depression, anxiety and other psychological conditions make it a more or less logical conclusion. "If I feel like this, if I can't stand what's inside my head, if I'm tired of life, I might as well jump ship." Not that I'm saying it's really a good decision, but depression definitely puts you at a point where you're not at your rational best.

I don't have much more to say. But it is important to take care of our own mental or psychological health. We can also be victims of depression or critical moments in life that can lead us to make terrible decisions.

I want to share with you one of the most beautiful songs ever written. It's by the band R.E.M. and it's called "Everybody hurts". Undoubtedly a beautiful song to listen to when we feel that everything is going wrong in our lives. If you have had a bad day please listen to it:

It was impossible for me to share the original song due to copyright. But this cover is beautiful. Enjoy it.

thanks for reading.

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2 years ago
Topics: Vida, Deportes, Poetry, Artist, Venezuela, ...


Este tema del suicidio de cierta manera nos concierne a todos. Como bien dices, no se limita solo a nosotros en lo personal, sino también a nuestros familiares y amigos. La apariencia a veces no muestra el verdadero caos que existe en el interior de muchos y la empatía es algo que sin duda nos ayudará a ayudar a los demás, y de paso a nosotros mismos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hola mi querida amiga @LadySweet ese es el detalle, quizás vivimos en un mundo con una empatía falsa, una empatía digital. Necesitamos estar mas alerta de nuestro circulo de personas, porque mas de uno tiene una guerra que puede ser difícil de luchar para el solo. Saludos!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

saludos #ozzy, veo que no estas escribiendo en español ahora acá.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Saludos My friend espero estes bien, la verdad no es algo nuevo brou. Mira por acá en read desde que comencé, siempre he hecho post en ambos idiomas , hay algunos posts que los abordo en ingles incluso desde mis primeros posts aquí. Un ejemplo este que es básicamente mi 4to post cuando estaba comenzando saludos!

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2 years ago