Life begins with victory

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4 years ago

Life begins with victory ...

Win! Victory! Winner! The words really create a different feeling in the mind. All around is just the cheers of victory, sometimes formally and sometimes informally. The cheers of the birds in the morning are really wonderful.

The day begins with the triumphant smile of the sun in the eastern sky by removing the darkness of the night. In winter, the leaves of many trees fall. In the spring, new leaves sprout again, nature rejoices with a new triumphant smile. In the scorching heat of summer, canals, ponds, rivers and canals dry up. Right after that, the incessant rains remove the rough environment. Once again, nature is happy with triumphant smiles.Victory and victory everywhere. At the right time, nature teaches us a lot with its triumphant smile. We are human beings, the greatest creatures. We need to be the best in intellect and conscience. Sometimes we lose the word patience. We lack patience in sadness, suffering or adverse situations. We can't wait for rain like nature. It won't happen. Why not? When there is so much triumph around us, where does the word come from?

The environment was difficult for us the day we came to earth. There will be struggle in life,there will be adversities, We have to keep hope for success.

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The race of life starts with the sperms racing to reach the egg.

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

Nice articles bro subscribe back me

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4 years ago

Life through the process go ups and goes down, like a wheel. What important is we cope amd learn in every challenges, the victory will come. This I will remember.The environment was difficult for us the day we came to earth. There will be struggle in life,there will be adversities, We have to keep hope for success.

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4 years ago