I was having a conversation the other day and it got me thinking.
I think back to the scene in the movie 'The Matrix' where Morpheous offers Neo the red pill or the blue.
For those who haven't seen the movie Morpheous believes that Neo is the 'chosen one' who will bring about peace once he discovers the true nature of the matrix which is that the world which he is living in is all an illusion and the reality is that we are living in a computer simulation.
The red pill represents knowing the truth, however uncomfortable that may be and being awakened to the true nature of the matrix.
The blue pill represents wanting to hide from the truth and instead live a comfortable life, not being aware of the reality of the world we are living in.
I do not believe that we are living in a computer simulation but this scene is a powerful analogy of our world today.
The majority of people choose to distract themselves from reality by following sport, music, movies, seeking pleasures, spending money to make themselves happy for example.
I guess we can all enjoy these things to an extent but do we ever stop to think that the world which we see before us, as it is represented on the media is all a big smokescreen to keep us distracted from what is really going on?
We are living in unprecenented times, there is a global pandemic which has changed the way we live to a great extent. Governments in order to 'keep us safe' and 'protect us' have restricted our liberty to a huge extent. Our only hope for a better future is if everyone in the world is vaccinated!
Have you ever stopped to think about this?
The goal is to vaccinate the whole world with a vaccine that has been made in less than 12 months! It has gone through all the clinical trials and is safe we are told.
I just hope they have got this right because the implications if they have not do not bear thinking about.
We will never be able to eradicate this virus and there have always been dangerous viruses around that we have had to live with.
We were told from the begining of this pandemic that we needed to restrict our movements to limit the spread of the virus until a vaccine was found. Then we would be able to go back to a normal life.
But life is nowhere near back to normal, there are restrictions on travel and we need to prove our vaccination status in order to attend concerts, sporting events, resturants and even to use public transport in some countries.
We need to show our papers in order to enjoy life as we used to. Checkpoints to enter bars, cafes, theatres and resturants! These are things which we could do before freely but not now, only if you are double jabbed!
Will we be required to show that we have had booster jabs each year as well? Who knows where this could lead.
There is now an underclass of people who have not chosen to receive the vaccine for any number of reasons who are now being discriminated against.
What is this all about? It just makes me wonder when I see the amount of freedom that we are giving up to keep us all safe.
We are so afraid of this virus that in effect we have chosen to stop living our lives to the fullest.
When any government is given a taste of power which they undoubtedly have been they are often reluctant to give it up.
I feel we are living under increasingly authoritarian rule. The scapegoat is the 'unvaccinated' how far will govenments go to make sure they vaccinate the whole world?
Just think about it, or maybe it is better not to. I cannot predict the future, though I would rather know the truth than be ignorant. I would choose the red pill every time.
I wonder if knowing the truth is too much for some. Maybe they would rather choose the blue pill and live as if everything was fine. Maybe better to just distract yourself by watching endless 'Netflix' following the sport, enjoying life and generally not thinking deeply.
I can see for some people how that makes sense.
I wonder would you take the red pill or the blue?
I'm definitely going for the red pill. Excellent article!