Climbing Snowdon

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3 years ago

Mount Snowdon is the highest mountain in England and Wales, its summit is a height of 3560 feet (1085 metres.)

This summer we decided to have our summer holiday in Snowdonia national park. It is a beautiful place to visit and has recently been upgraded to 'Unesco world heritage' status!

We stayed close to the beach in a holiday caravan which was only a 30 minute drive away from Mount Snowdon itself.

This summer has not been the best here in the UK but we were fortunate enough to have the best week weatherwise that we could have hoped for with temperatures reaching around 30°c each day! Nobody visits Wales for the weather but this week was an exceptional heatwave.

We had always wanted to climb Snowdon, particularly on a clear day so decided that this would be the perfect opportunity. We made a packed lunch, took plenty of water with us and set off early in the morning to avoid the heat in the middle of the day.

The stunning scenery of Snowdonia, picture courtesy of pixabay

There are many different routes you can take but we decided to take the 'Ranger' path. There is a tricky section about 2/3 of the way up which is quite steep but the rest of the climb is not too bad.

We took plenty of rests on the way up to drink water, have a bite to eat and admire some of the beautiful scenery. There is a lake about half way which we stopped to have a rest at and we called this lake 'The lake of wisdom.' I don't think that is the lakes real name.

The weather was perfect, the scenery, beautiful as well. It felt so good to be outdoors enjoying the natural world, the mountains and to listen to the sound of the gentle streams flowing down the mountainside.

Beautiful views and perfect weather

We took our time but managed to reach the summit in just over 3 hours. The view were spectacular and we felt such a sense of achievement upon reaching the top of the mountain.

It was a little cooler at the summit and there was also a nice refreshing breeze which was pleasant, so we found a good spot, sat down and had our packed lunch, took a few pictures and relaxed for a while.

For those who don't want to climb, there is also a train you can take to the summit of snowdon, though I would recommend climbing if you are able as it really feels like you are in touch with the natural world around you. It is quite an effort but also an amazing experience.

The train to the summit of Mount Snowdon, picture courtesy of pixabay

The way down was easier, but we still had to be careful to watch our footing as the pathway is uneven and there are loose rocks, but we made it back down safely, we did it, we climbed Mount Snowdon on a perfect summers day!

We ached a little the following day, but we were so glad that we achieved one of our dreams of climbing the mountain on a clear day.

There are many other things you can enjoy in Snowdonia national park. If you would like to find out more follow the link below.

I hope you enjoyed reading and I hope maybe you will get the chance to climb Mount Snowdon one day.

Article is my own

Pictures from pixabay are captioned as such all others are my own

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3 years ago


This summer, I did such a climb with 4 people to look at a few caves. I like climbing, hiking and camping. Although it was a little dangerous, we had a lot of fun.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes climbing can be dangerous if the weather turns against you. Though on a fine day it is amazing and the reward is the stunning views when you reach the summit.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm not a professional for camping, climbing or hiking on challenging trails just an amateurish curiosity.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

It looks amazing! And the scenery seems breathtaking. You sure had a good climbing.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

We sure did, couldn't have asked for better weather!

$ 0.00
3 years ago