Global projects, sustainable commerce, a BCH micro-economy and Bitcoin Cash T-Shirts!

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3 years ago

One.Surgery is excited to announce the launch of its Bitcoin Cash branded merchandise, hosted at with a range of bombastic and cutesy T-shirts, mugs and baby apparel - designed to celebrate the united global objectives of Bitcoin Cash and One Surgery. The website displays all prices in USD and BCH, only taking payments with Paypal or Bitcoin Cash (preferred!). No other cryptocurrency payments will be taken.

Our online e-commerce presence is designed to promote Bitcoin Cash within our communities but also provide a gentle income stream of BCH to help support our global projects, providing resources for longer term sustainability, and assist in the development of a Bitcoin Cash micro-economy within our organisation.

Although we are relatively new to crypto-space, we have mostly seen Bitcoin and its fellow alt coins promise world changing technology but focus has mainly been on speculation with each cryptocurrency bandwagon competing for theoretical superiority and market share. Let's actually use the tech to power our movement!

We firmly believe Bitcoin Cash can positively impact and empower vast swathes of the world's population and we are genuinely ready to embrace its use cases. We also believe that the most dominant currency in a society is the one that flows from employer to employee, and so just as we value the massive strides Bitcoin Cash has had in the global marketplaces, we also believe BCH will be further valued when it is earned. Very shortly, we will be hiring our first part time One.Surgery, with a monthly salary in BCH.

And so we are directly placing BCH at the heart of our economic activity! We will sell in BCH, earn in BCH, pay wages in BCH, display our accounts in BCH and every step of the way, promote BCH as we grow. We hope to be the first non-crypto organisation that embraces Bitcoin Cash as a core value, and to start, lets get funky and sell some tees and see where this lifelong, world changing adventure leads!

Check it out, browse the shop, use the coupon: SAFESURGERY (20% off when $75 spent), or just enjoy the designs! Feedback welcome!

$ 1.64
$ 0.84 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @DrNums
$ 0.10 from @Omar
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Avatar for onedotsurgery
3 years ago
