Bitcoin Cash Community Awards for Global Surgery: Latest winner in Somaliland

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2 years ago

One.Surgery is a non-profit organisation dedicated to global surgery - with the aim of assisting in the global effort to provide timely, affordable and safe surgery to every human on the planet.

We are one of the first organisations now revolving around using Bitcoin Cash for our global projects, developing a sustainable economy and ecosystem that sees Bitcoin Cash flowing through our organisation and being distributed and recycled across the world through various use-cases that show how Bitcoin Cash can be used for seamless movement of goods and services.

In 2020, we launched the very first BCH community awards programme, where members of our community vote for nominated peers who have excelled within our field of global surgery. The community awards began with recognising inspirational voices who have contributed articles to our Voices of One Surgery publication (from 2018-2021). We began retrospectively with the Voice of One Surgery 2018 awards, and more recently, we have just completed the 2019 award.

Nominees were from Cambodia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Ghana and Somaliland. After a month long vote, we collected 297 community votes, and with the tightest 1 vote margin, Mubarak Mohamed from Somaliland, an inspiring anaesthetist won the 2019 Voice of One Surgery award.

After some initial onboarding, $50 Bitcoin Cash value was transferred instantly and the utility of Bitcoin Cash - a low cost, instant, borderless, permissionless cryptocurrency was again, beautifully demonstrated as a critical component of our organisation's economic workflow.

Our awards programme has now given out Bitcoin Cash awards to winners in India, Malawi, Syria and now Somaliland - and we are only just beginning! The onboarding and demonstration of Bitcoin Cash as a global currency within the non-profit and healthcare sectors has so much potential, and we believe this is one truly heart-warming and wholesome way of not only recognising and promoting excellence in our fight to provide safe surgery for all, but also to show how borderless instant exchange of value can facilitate this global movement.

Mubarak, an incredible healthcare worker, tweeted on his award:

And yes, the award did not go unnoticed by others within Somaliland and outside. Our original tweet was retweeted by the official Twitter account of the city of Hargeisa (population 1.4 million) and a number of other wonderful comments:

One.Surgery is demonstrating just how powerful our projects can be! We hope 2022 will bring even more inspirational use cases of Bitcoin Cash to the world! We are also closing in our 2nd Flipstarter campaign, with just 4 days remaining, and 4 BCH needed to complete our goal! Please do consider a contribution to see how we can thrive and develop a sustainabe economic model in 2022!

The winning article from Mubarak can be downloaded here:

Thank you once again to the BCH community for providing the technology, financial support and morale support for us to keep getting stronger!

$ 45.35
$ 43.62 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @BitcoinOutLoud
$ 0.53 from @Telesfor
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2 years ago
