Fitness: 6th April 2021 + A Did You Know Health Question

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3 years ago

Good Morning! 

Yeah, I took a break on the Easter weekend. It was just a break from writing and not from my healthy lifestyle. So, that’s how my updates weren’t forthcoming. Speaking of breaks, I used to believe in breaks for food but that had a flip side.

You see, when you think you need to have breaks for junks, you subconsciously believe that what you are eating is not good enough. That is one of the reasons why we aren’t able to keep up with our regular healthy food. But if you think about it, regular food is healthy as well as tasty. It is a misconception that healthy cannot be tasty. 

Think about it and you will see merit in what I am saying. 

Anyway, let me get started with my fitness regime for today. So, today the focus was on food and the idea of limited-time detox. I had a toast in the morning with tea and thereafter only water every couple of hours. I did not have lunch, allowing me to get the digestive system to relax while the blood system got cleaning my body from the inside.

This is a good idea which I do once a week. Again, this is not dieting as I just do it once a week. Also, by evening I have a load of carbohydrates. I avoid proteins or any other source of food so that I allow the digestive system to slowly come back to regular functioning. Needless to say, carbohydrates are the easiest to digest. This detox-cum-limited-eating regime is doing wonders for me. 

I would recommend that you try it out too. I am certain that you would love it.


That’s it from me for today. I will see you all tomorrow.



Did You Know?

Brazilian Edmar Freitas is known to hold the record for most sit-ups in 24 hours. The record stands at 111,000 sit-ups in 24 hours.

It makes me wonder how does anyone have that kind of stamina to go on for 24 hours. 

Well, that’s the record anyways. 😊


Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay


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3 years ago
