Fitness: 25th June 2023 + A Did You Know Fitness Question

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1 year ago

Good Morning

Today we witnessed the monsoon in true earnest. It was heavy in some parts of my city and had already caused flooding. Those that were upset with the monsoon's delay had no more complaints. It was quite a pleasant day today.

A pleasant day means a good day for the weather but not many options when it comes to running. Since it was the first day of proper rain, it made sense to walk instead of run. Why? Because it is not easy to identify muddy and slippery areas in the first few days of monsoon. So, I walked instead of running.

What did my morning schedule look like?

I walked about 3 kilometers today, but to make the effort useful, I carried some weights with me. It was about seven and a half kilograms. Considering three kilometers of brisk walking with weights in my hand, I know it was a good effort. I made most of what was available to me.

At home, I plan to do the meditation later in the night, as I did not get much time in the morning. We had to go to church, so I had to wind up my morning schedule quickly. Also, I plan to go through my gratitude list soon and do it as a practice every day.

Anyway, before winding up my morning schedule, I completed a few sessions of Ho’oponopono. Was it worth it? You bet. Here is my write-up on the topic for those wanting to know more about Ho'oponopono.

What Is Ho'oponopono? | The Hawaiian Healing Technique

Have fun reading and practicing.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. I will see you all tomorrow.




Did You Know?

Okay, this is one of the unexpected records but interesting nonetheless. The fun part is not many of you would know about it. Did you know there is a record for going up a flight of stairs with a person on your head? Yeah, there is.

Giang Quoc Nghiep and Giang Quoc Co, both brothers, hold the record. The brother went up 100 stairs while balancing the other on his head. The record was created on 23rd December 2021. The Vietnam nationals went up 100 stairs in just 53.6 seconds.

Have a look at the video here:

The question is - can we go up 100 stairs in 53.6 seconds? Forget about the load on the head. 😊


Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay |


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Written by
1 year ago


Going up 100 stairs in 53.6 seconds, carrying a man on my head? Are you joking?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, crazy isn't it. I wonder what time I would hit if I just had to carry some weights in my hand over those flight of stairs. :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago