Fitness: 21st September 2022 + A Did You Know Fitness Question

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2 years ago

Good Morning

Today was the second day in succession that I could go out for a run, and it was great indeed! I couldn't do much distance as I had to return to do my pickup and drop services. 😊

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are the days when I have to drop my wife and daughter to their respective classes early in the morning. That, therefore, defines how much I run and how far. But it has merits as I find myself running faster to make up time. So, while I may not be doing a longer distance, I must definitely be doing a high-intensity run. That's cool in itself.

So, what did I do today?

I ran two kilometers, and the road was dry like yesterday. Midway through my run, there were drizzles. However, these drizzles were different. I have never experienced these extremely light yet perceptible droplets. I was not getting wet at all, but I could feel the droplets. The only visible part of the rain was T-shirt which bore testimony to the drops being there. Apart from that, no wetness at all. Anyway, that was a blessing as I could continue my run instead of stopping in the middle and walking.

On my way back, I would have walked about half a kilometer. Remember, I had to be back soon to drop off my wife? But here is where it got funny. I reached home only to find my wife deciding not to go today. Hilarious for sure. Anyway, that gave me some extra time to write this article. I will be doing my weights in some time and will update you all tomorrow about the same.

What I did manage to get done early was a few sessions of Ho'oponopono. The sessions leave you on a high. 😊 Here's my write-up on the topic for those interested in knowing about Ho'oponopono.

What Is Ho'oponopono? | The Hawaiian Healing Technique

Have fun reading and practicing.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. I will see you all tomorrow.




Did You Know?

Okay, this is one of the unexpected records but interesting nonetheless. The fun part is not many of you would know about it. Did you know there is a record for going up a flight of stairs with a person on your head? Yeah, there is.

Giang Quoc Nghiep and Giang Quoc Co, both brothers, hold the record. The brother went up 100 stairs while balancing the other on his head. The record was created on 23rd December 2021. The Vietnam nationals went up 100 stairs in just 53.6 seconds.

Have a look at the video here:

The question is - can we go up 100 stairs in 53.6 seconds? Forget about the load on the head. 😊


Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay |


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2 years ago
