Fitness: 20th October 2022 + A Did You Know Fitness Question

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1 year ago

Good Morning

As we are fast approaching Diwali, the festival of lights in India, I am planning to take a few days off. I will be going out with the family for a trip, and I am not sure if I will be writing and posting during those days.

Talking of the trip, I will be eating to my heart’s content as well. Hmm.. now that sounds like I will have to exercise a lot after the vacation. How about getting on with the exercises before the vacation? Well, I am going to exercise anyway. I am just positively affirming it to myself.

So, what did I do today?

I could go for a run as the weather remained cooperative. I completed a four-kilometer run followed by a one-and-a-half-kilometer walk. The morning weather made the run even more pleasant. But that was not all for the day.

Once home, I went back to my trusted dumbbells. Today, though, the focus was only on my arms. I went the high-intensity workout way. It was good. I then wound up with a few sessions of Ho’oponopono. Here's my write-up on the topic for those interested in knowing about Ho'oponoponoo.

What Is Ho'oponopono? | The Hawaiian Healing Technique

Have fun reading and practicing.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. I will see you all tomorrow.




Did You Know?

Okay, this is one of the unexpected records but interesting nonetheless. The fun part is not many of you would know about it. Did you know there is a record for going up a flight of stairs with a person on your head? Yeah, there is.

Giang Quoc Nghiep and Giang Quoc Co, both brothers, hold the record. The brother went up 100 stairs while balancing the other on his head. The record was created on 23rd December 2021. The Vietnam nationals went up 100 stairs in just 53.6 seconds.

Have a look at the video here:

The question is - can we go up 100 stairs in 53.6 seconds? Forget about the load on the head. 😊


Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay |


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1 year ago
