5 Kinds Of Fear That Can Keep You Poor A lot of people want to be rich and successful but sadly not everybody eventually become rich and successful and this happens for many reasons. One of the major things that prevent people from getting to their desired state of wealth and success is fear.

Fear immobilizes and renders dream impotent and it has stopped a lot of people from becoming who they desire to be. Another thing about fear is that is expresses itself in different ways. Here are five types of fear you must overcome if you want to become rich and wealthy.

1]: Fear Of Failure- This fear of what if I fail has kept a lot of people poor and made them alien to wealth and riches. A lot of people are afraid of failing that they don’t even bother to try and as such they lose out on many opportunities that would have changed their lives.

2]: Fear Of Starting- Many people are afraid of starting and because they don’t begin they never win. They never do what they are supposed to do to make them become who they are meant to become. If you don’t begin on the journey to success and financial freedom you will never arrive at the promise land of riches

3]: Fear Of Success- This sounds weird but truly some people are actually afraid to succeed. They keep trying to avoid every form of achievement and prefer to remain in the seeming back bench of life. They avoid anything that will lead them to success. Those that fear success and wealth never become wealthy.

4]: Fear Of Rejection- Another fear that keeps people poor and unsuccessful is fear of rejection. Because they fear being rejected they do not do the things they are supposed to do to make them succeed. They remain in their shell, avoid profitable relationships and just continue to live in wishful thinking.

5]: Taking Risk- If you are averse to taking risk then count yourself out of the land of wealth and success. The fear of taking risk is a major fear that has kept a lot of people poor. Life itself is a risk and those that are not bold enough to take risk cannot enjoy the best things of life.

Do not allow fear to rob you of the opportunities that can make you successful, build wealth and secure your financial future.

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@odehene02 posted 3 years ago
