Something Wild

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Avatar for nyOkiZz
2 years ago

I just want to share a wild plant that grows on the rice field. The fruits was like watermelons but the sizes of it are so small.

It's my first time to see this wild plant on the farm because usually only grasses are seen on our field. So it's very unusual for me to see this kind of wild plant growing there. And there's a lot of it especially on the rice paddies that is not yet plowed. I also tried to open them to see what on the inside.

There's a lot of seeds inside the fruit. And I also tried to taste it. The yellow fruit or the ripe ones has a very soury taste while the green one is so bitter that it will make you throw up. So I think they cannot be eaten.

$ 2.23
$ 2.21 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @renren16
Avatar for nyOkiZz
2 years ago


It is indeed look like a watermelon. Honestly, it my very first to see that one. I want to tried eating it myself. Haha.. Well, I am just curious though.. :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well looks like I'm not the only one who's curious about this fruit. Haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago