Leaf eater!

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Avatar for nyOkiZz
2 years ago

I went to the farm to get some squash flowers and squash fruit to be cooked for dinner. As I walk along the squash field, squash beetle are flying away. There a lot them on the squash leaves. Squash beetles are considered insect pest to farmers because they feed on the leaves of the squash.

Too many squash beetles is bad for the crop. Because they will destroy it. Sometimes we use pesticide to lessen their number. But we only use chemicals if badly needed. So that we don't harm those good insect or predators of this pest.

Thank you for your time!

$ 3.81
$ 3.80 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani
Avatar for nyOkiZz
2 years ago
