An owl is watching us!

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2 years ago

Hello readers! I just want to share some pictures of a bird that we did not expect to see here at our backyard.

We were cutting some bamboo trees for the duck coops we were making. We were looking for the matured bamboo tree to cut down. Then my nephew saw something that move on the bamboo branch. Then he shouted, "look there's an owl". I didn't see it right away! Because it's a bit hard to notice where it is. Maybe my eyesight is failing. Haha! But I also saw when my nephew pointed at it correctly. Then we wondered why there is an owl there. Because there is not so many trees, but a lot houses. Maybe this is where it got caught by daylight. Because owls usually travels at night. And it was the first time that we saw an owl during daytime. So I immediately get my camera and took some pictures of it.

It was hard to get clear shot of it because of the bamboo branches blocking the view. And I think that the owl is also camera shy coz it was trying to hide from me.

After getting some photos of it. We continue to cut the bamboo trees that we need. But we make sure that we don't harm the owl and just let it rest there. So that it get some strength to fly home through the night.

It's a nice experience to see a an animal that's very rare to be seen. I hope we'll see it again!

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$ 0.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for nyOkiZz
2 years ago
