A Nice Way to Start a Day

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Avatar for nyOkiZz
2 years ago

Hello readers! A blessed Sunday to all!

How do you start your day?

Let me share a quote from Anthony T. Hincks.

The secret to a good morning is to watch the sunrise with an open heart.

Do you agree to that? For me? Yes, of course. Because I believe that sunrise is one the most special times of a day. The sunrise mark a new beginning of a new day of our life. So lets take little time to see it. For us to have a good start of the day with a positive view and good attitude. So that we can surpass all the challenges we will be facing throughout the day.

People do not have the same mornings. Others woke up early to go to work. While others still asleep as long as they want. But we can all agree that sunrise is really beautiful time when we all get to catch and see it. That's why for whatever reasons, we should still give ourselves some time to see the beauty of every morning of our life. Just take a simple glimpse of it and appreciate that its shines for you/us no matter what, even on a cloudy day.

And for that I want to share some pictures of fun moments while I was watching a beautiful sunrise.

These photos were taken on top of a hill when we went jogging and hill climbing to the mountain part of our town on a early morning.

I was so glad to witness such a spectacular moment. It relieves your stressed and worries in life for a moment. All you can feel is pure happiness and that you are blessed to live again another day. So don't let yourself won't see a sunrise in your life.

Thank you for reading! Happy weekend!

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Avatar for nyOkiZz
2 years ago
