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2 years ago
A few years ago, I was the technical director of an insurance company, in charge of the personnel department.


I have cared for the elderly many times. Sometimes I feel helpless because I can't help them the way I want.

 I remember comparing humans to elephants.

Do you know when elephants are most vulnerable?

 Yes, when it's a newborn and when it's old.

 At these times, predators like lions will usually successfully attack him.

 If the documentary doesn't tell the truth, elephants are intelligent and sociable animals, leaving the old and seriously ill at the mercy of opponents who previously posed no threat.

Unfortunately, humans also don't seem to escape the laws of nature (the fittest).

 Although, think about it!

 Maybe the sick old elephant was just fighting to the end to prove to his mates that he wasn't a burden.

 When I look at these people; the cause of hospitalization to pay for surgery or treatment to alleviate or correct their disease, I think of young elephants, and how many of us are lazy.

 Maybe there was something wrong with the system at the time, but certainly not now.

 I thought, "Policy coverage is not always sufficient. In this case, the patient is bound to resort to the public social system without security. Like an old elephant, he must face a herd of hungry lions."


In the recent pandemic, not only has the health system been shown to suddenly collapse, but crazy behind-the-scenes thinking is echoing the voices of Malthus of the past.

One of the points focuses on the idea that older people are an unnecessary burden on the state.

 In this sense, some utopian politicians and intellectuals say that the elderly should die for the sake of the economy and the next generation.

 Of course, it even sounds logical when you're young.

 Stop and ask your grandparents!

In my case, my grandparents passed away some time ago, including my father. My mother is over 75 years old and still finds it useful and very eager to move on.

 Anyway, sooner or later I'll be seen as a nasty age by these people with crazy ideas and lion-like intentions.

 Also, when you consider that it won't be possible for seniors to retire by 2050, you can't exempt either. The years fly by as you celebrate each birthday.

 So we are moving towards an aging world.

 so! Things get complicated if you also factor in climate change fads.

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Written by
2 years ago


Indeed, everyone believes that the elderly are a burden on society and should die, but when it comes to a person’s family, no one thinks that his family is useless. I believe that everyone has an important role in society, regardless of their age

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2 years ago

Humans and animals alike are social in their relationships. The reason been that they are dependent on one another within that circle. They depend on it for security, survival and sometimes for power.

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2 years ago