Technology and Agriculture in the 21st Century

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Avatar for noisytoothie
3 years ago

The uprising modernization has brought this society an unexpected change. With more and more youths using smartphones and social media, change is on the rise. Technology puts a lot of influence on many youths of today and can cause proliferation of different issues concerning the demeanors and emotional states of youths such as depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts. It became effective as a way of changing even the things we loved the most.

           Every generation of youths is shaped by the social, political and economic events of the day. Today’s teenagers are no different – however, they are the first generation whose lives are saturated by mobile technology and social media. Life history theory argues how fast teens grow up depends on their perceptions on their environment. If we will talk about youth’s lifestyle before, it partially no different when compared to the youths in the present. They still do the same things that youths did in the past such as going to school, doing their daily routine/ habits, spending time with their family, and so on. However, their lifestyle became different in the way they communicate. If before they always want to chat or talk face-to-face, well today, young people are always with their phones even at home, school and public areas. Even if they are with their circle of friends, devices are always there.  I’ve realized so much changes on youths especially with their behaviors.

I remembered my childhood - when gadgets are still not available...

           It’s sad to say that even the behaviors of youths today are also being altered because of technology. Technology has changed the relationships of families. Distracted by their laptops, TV’s, smartphone and video games, families can’t have a friendly attitude towards each other as they used to in the past. Before the creation of these devices, families would sit together around the table and play games together.

But, since the creation of video and online games, home entertainment has changed to games played by yourself and the impact of these games on families is very obvious. An example of was based on my own experience. My youngest sister, around 10 years old, is always with my Mother’s android phone. After doing her homework, she will always grab the phone and play games, watch videos or play music. I always told her how our life was before during our generation that after our dinner, my father and I always play chess, or me and my older sisters play sungka or jack and stone. We also sleep early and excited to go to school. As what I have noticed of today’s generation, their sleeping time was around 10pm and above then will become lazy to go to school.

Another thing is that, frankly speaking, some youths are disrespectful with the elders. They have attitudes that adults don’t like. They don’t respect them because of their age. Also, young people never get along well with adults in any period. They find it clingy or childish. If you’ll ask young children before, they will find it sweet and amazing. Evolution of technology had really influenced youth, even with their studies and perceptions in life.

           As what Macolm X quoted, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”. Education have always been our path to success. However, it seems not for the youths today. As what is observed, there are youths who are not attending schools, some are because of financial problems which can be considered. However, they are also youth who “can” financially go to school, but chooses not to.

An example are those youths who are addicted in playing online games. Instead of going to school and spend the money their parents gave for food and school fees, they choose to go directly to the computer shops and spend the whole day playing without their parents knowing. Because of these online games, youths are also influenced to speak harsh or blasphemous words.

One day, I entered a computer shop. The first thing I saw was a group of high school students playing Mobile Legends, an online game that is famous today. What captured my attention was that they are still wearing their school uniforms and that time, it was I think school hours. See? How technology changes youth. It so sad to think that they don’t value education because of influence of technology. I’m not saying technology is not beneficial to students. In fact, is was a big help. But only for those who uses technology effectively and productively.

Another influence of technology to the students when it comes to education, was being a lazy student. Yes! It was also based on my experience and I’m guilty. For an example, our professor wrote something on the board, I will just take pictures of it. If before, I love to jot down notes in my notebook because I can recall again the lessons while I’m writing, however, now I became dependent to my phone as my notes. Then, as a result, sometimes I forgot what have been discussed especially the key words. Technology was really a splash of transformation.

Splash of transformation the changed the whole nation

Indeed, the evolution of technology has changed the society in both positive and negative ways. From our life style, behavior, education and social life. it has mostly impact to the youths today. Technology has simplified the access to many aspects needed by people especially in education, work, or daily life. However, we can’t also deny that these devices had somehow changed the way we used to be. We embraced the modernization too much that we overwork ourselves just to join the group. We always want to be involved in even a single issue in social media. One cannot leave house without phone. A day will be incomplete without phones. This became the mentality of youths today. On the other hand, technology doesn’t always focus on youth but also to our agriculture.

As an engineering student, focused on agriculture machineries, technology became a hand. It became easier for us to create machine because of the aid of technology. For example, instead of buying books related to our course, we will just browse in internet then we will find the answers. I remembered what my Aunty (a former Ag-Eng student) told me. She told me that before, around 1980’s, they really struggled with their machines because of lack of resources.

But today, it was just a one-click access. It really became a big help in agriculture because we can now invent or create machines more effective and more accessible that will help our farmers. Technologies was the foundation of everything today. The evolution of technology cannot deny its effects or transformation brought in today’s generation. We are so much engaged in technology that we tend to forget the reality of life.  We are now really modernized. We are now really transformed.

How about you? Does technology changed you?

For the sources, just click the pictures but some are from Unplash :) Happy Reading!

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$ 0.22 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for noisytoothie
3 years ago


Some paras are just up to the mark!! Well done☺☺

$ 0.00
3 years ago

what is paras?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

short form for paragraphs😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh, now I know. Hahahha thanks!

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3 years ago