For the past 13 years, I’ve become a church servant in our barangay. My family is musically inclined, so maybe that’s answers it all.
It started when I was in my 2nd grade in Elementary. At first, I really don’t actually take it seriously. But as I grew up, I started to open my heart and decided to accept my mission to be a forever servant of God. I used my talent to share His wisdom and words.
It was May 2, 2015 when I started playing guitar as accompaniment during holy masses. I was so nervous back then, but with the grace of our Lord, I survived that day, until I became the official instrumentalist. I was so happy.
In 2015, my mother enrolled me to a piano lesson in a Catholic school. I finished my 1-year lesson and even held a recital on March 17 2016.
December 26, 2017. This is in Our Lady of the Assumption Parish. I’m still not confident with my skills in keyboard so I still use my guitar here.
December 30, 2017. I started to try playing keyboard during a mass wedding in our chapel. I was anxious that time that’s why Ate D-Yan, (the one beside me in the picture), accompanied me with her guitar.
January 4, 2018. A fellow choir member started to taught me how to play the songs during holy mass. We have a lesson once a week. I can say, he really helped me a lot. But, sad to say, we became strangers for some reasons.
January 20, 2019. The day I conquer my fear and took the courage to play the keyboard for the first time in front of the crowd. I’m anxious back then. Eventually, I got used to it and even try to improve myself.
I was quite unhappy when the Covid-19 spread all over the world which made all the mass gatherings be prohibited. There is no face to face holy masses for almost 3 months. But thanks God, we are back in service.
Until now, I’m serving holy masses every Sunday. I promise to be the servant of God until my last breath.
Good Evening! What I've shared to you was some of my memorable moments in music industry. I was quite proud of my achievements. I'm still looking forward for more experiences in the future.
Happy Sunday! Keepsafe.
Yieeehh. I hope I can learn playing piano huhu