Life under COVID-19 Alert Level 3

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2 years ago

Vaccination have been all around the world now. Even here in our municipality, we have already reached the 75% requirement for all the municipality. In fact, we have another vaccination day here in our barangay today. Last month, December 27, I volunteered as one of the staff during the vaccination day since they are short of manpower. Actually, I was going to volunteer also today but my schedule won't allow me. Haha.

When we thought that this pandemic will finally come to its end since we are already getting vaccinated, we're very wrong. For at least 2 months, our municipality has 0 cases of covid. As the rate decreases, the chances of going outside increases. But as the new year came, new cases have started to arrived.

On the first week of January, there are 4 new cases confirmed, just this week, it grew so fast. Albay has now almost 800 new cases and some municipality are under Alert Level 3 which includes our municipality, Guinobatan. We are now in limited movement because of the current situation.

Just yesterday, our Municipal Mayor posted an update regarding the current situation of our municipality and also includes suspension of classes for all the levels.

It was a sudden attack for us as we are already anticipating for our limited face to face classes. In fact, if not for the Alert Level 3 announcement, we are already at school for our first day of limited face to face. However, our university also posted an update.

Because of this current situation, we are having second thoughts whether this face to face will still be pushed or not. What can you say? But if ever that our last semester as college student will not be face to face, we're just hoping that at least our graduation will be face to face.

What must be the reason why the virus suddenly spread out? Some people might don't have any interest about these things, but we should be aware of the causes of this sudden spread.

As I said earlier, our municipality had 0 cases for almost 2 months, which means freedom for majority. We've just celebrated Christmas and New Year. We have some relatives coming from different places who went home just for these holidays and spent time with us.

But little do we know, we are being neglectful of the safety protocols. I know for a fact that we all gathered together during Christmas and New Year and this act might be one of the causes of the sudden outbreak of covid. Social gatherings have been allowed especially on birthdays and weddings. Even church masses are allowed without minimizing the space of the church. I even thought that masses on barangays will not be allowed but they still pursued for it..

And now, we are having problems again regarding on how to decrease the cases. I know it's hard to move especially when all our movement are being monitored. But this is just for our own safety.

$ 2.04
$ 2.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for noisytoothie
2 years ago
