Journey with Bumblebee! (Part 1)

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3 years ago

Due to the lockdown caused by Covid in the year 2020, we aren't able to go outside and only advised to stay at home. Even the school matter was affected. We are locked in our houses and tried to avoid the crowd.

This 2021, we have received lot of blessings we didn't really expect to have. My scholarship fund was given to me, good grades, strong family, strong relationship with my partners, and a new vehicle in the family.

Last February 2021, my partner bought his new motorcycle which became our daily medium of transportation. We went to the church and ask for the blessing of it and that is the start of our "travel-together" moments.

Meet Bumblebee :)

We made a lot of plans and some of it were finally happened.

Our first travel is last April 2, 2021. Me and my family decided to visit 7 churches inside Albay as part of our Visita Iglesia 2021. We used 5 motors and every driver has one passenger. My companies are, me and my partner, my mother and my sister, my other sister and her partner, my brother and his partner, and my sister's husband and my little sister. We are 10 overall.

We visited first the church in Ligao City. It was a 20-min. ride I think. :) We prayed the first 2 stations of the cross.

1st Station: Jesus is condemned to death

2nd Station: Jesus carries His cross

Ligao City Church

Next stop is in the Carmelite Church, Kawa-kawa hill, Ligao City. It's a 10-min ride. We have prayed the 3rd and 4th station here.

3rd Station: Jesus falls for the first time

4th Station: Jesus meets His mother

Carmelite Church

Next stop is the Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Church in Guinobatan, Albay. It's a 15-min drive :). We prayed here the 5th and 6th station.

5th Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry His cross

6th Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

Mayon Volcano is with us!

Our next stop is the church in Camalig, Albay :) I think this is a 20-min drive :) We prayed the 7th and 8th station here.

7th Station: Jesus falls for the second time

8th Station: Jesus meets the woman of Jerusalem

Next stop is in Daraga Albay. It was a 15-min drive:) We prayed the 9th and 10th Station here.

9th Station: Jesus falls the third time

10th Station: Jesus clothes are taken away

Me (6th), my mother (3rd), and my sisters :)
The boys! HAHAHA / drivers

Next stop is in Daraga Albay also, but it's still a long drive. We prayed the 11th and 12th station here.

11th Station: Jesus is nailed at the cross

12th Station: Jesus dies at the cross

Our last stop is in Albay Cathedral. It's a long way to go but we still made it. We prayed the 13th and 14th station here and our closing prayer.

13th Station: The body of Jesus is taken down on the cross

14th Station: Jesus is laid on the tomb

After of almost 5hrs traveling, we settled down in our house and have the food my mom prepared for us.

It was such a great journey. It might not be the common thinking about "travel" where you take to enjoy and capture every moment, but I think this is one of the best travel I've been to. It was not just a heart-fulfilling but also spiritually fulfilling. May we never forget the true meaning of Jesus' sacrifices for us. Godbless you all! <3

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3 years ago
