HODL: Crypto Likely Tops Around 7T In Only 3 Months

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Avatar for noisytoothie
3 years ago

What is cryptocurrency or crypto?

"Crypto is a digital currency that can be used to buy goods and services, but uses an online ledger with strong cryptography to secure online transactions. Much of the interest in these unregulated currencies is to trade for profit, with speculators at times driving prices skyward."

"Cryptocurrencies work using a technology called blockchain. Blockchain is a decentralized technology spread across many computers that manages and records transactions. Part of the appeal of this technology is its security."

Why are cryptocurrencies so popular?

Cryptocurrencies appeal to their supporters for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the most popular:

  • Supporters see cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin as the currency of the future and are racing to buy them now, presumably before they become more valuable.

  • Some supporters like the fact that cryptocurrency removes central banks from managing the money supply, since over time these banks tend to reduce the value of money via inflation.

  • Other supporters like the technology behind cryptocurrencies, the blockchain, because it’s a decentralized processing and recording system and can be more secure than traditional payment systems.

  • Some speculators like cryptocurrencies because they’re going up in value and have no interest in the currencies’ long-term acceptance as a way to move money.

Source: Nerdwallet, (2021) What Is Cryptocurrency? Here’s What You Should Know? Retrieved from https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/cryptocurrency-7-things-to-know#:~:text=A%20cryptocurrency%20

My first time registering here in readcash, I saw how famous @MarcDeMesel is. I found out that he is one of the top generous person who gives donation in this platform. As an amateur in the world of crypto, I manage to get some info and be familiar with this type of digital currency. I've read several articles, watched documentaries or interviews just for me to know this better. As a matter of fact, I just recently watched the video of Mr. @MarcDeMesel in his youtube channel. It was about crypto aiming to be the top, with around 7T, in just 3 months. It was a 19-minute video. In crypto, I'm quite familiar only with BitcoinCash as it is what read.cash and noise.cash is using but not with some cryptos.

HODL: Crypto Likely Tops Around 7T In Only 3 Months by @MarcDeMesel

This video was uploaded 20 hours ago in his youtube channel. These are his caption in his video.

"With Trololo Trendline / Fair Value #Crypto​ Market Cap currently at 600B, and actual price at 2.2T, we are around 400% vs trendline that stands at 100%. Top likely around 800% / 7T but locking in profits starting at 600% / 5T likely the right move."

"Since parabolic growth curve so typical to asset bubbles means doubling takes less and less time, we likely go from 2T to 4T in not 3 months but maybe 2 months and do the last doubling in just 1 month, giving us the top already in just 3 months from here. "

"#Bitcoin​ BCH still has lots of catching up to do to reach it's Trololo Trendline / Fair Value that still stands 10x higher around 120B / 5k BCH, and would go to 1T or 50k per BCH if it goes also 800% vs it's trendline, not a probable scenario but certainly a possible scenario given the law of reversion to the mean, the higher it undershoots the mean, the higher it will overshoot too. I can only warn not to lock in profits too soon. Market already excited and we are not even at $1000, most will cash out strong before $10k, likely to see it go up to $30k but sell little there due to selling too much too soon and greed and FOMO overtaking them. "

"We are 72% close to the peak!"

"My portfolio now 70% exposed to crypto, will likely go over 95% exposure before we reach red trigger zone at 600% vs trendline / 5T CMC / 15k $BCH / 5k $ETH, where I plan to start sell strong. while most are frozen by Greed & FOMO. Until then, hodling like a MOFO." - @MarcDeMesel

For more information, you can visit the following links:

Youtube: HODL: Crypto Likely Tops Around 7T In Only 3 Months

read.cash: @MarcDeMesel

$ 1.22
$ 1.22 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for noisytoothie
3 years ago


That is why people should really make a move and be acquainted with crypto stuff. It really doesn't cost much to do our part in researching and starting on our own.

I am inspired by those succesful people that chose to give chance to Crypto. I am thankful I gave it a try.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Do you also do some tradings?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Not yet. But I am planning to, when I am able to earn a reasonable amount. I am still looking for ways to make it grow.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am also planning but I don't know how it works

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's like investing your money in a platform where it will grow. My BCH wallet is coins.ph and I think you can buy and sell the BCH and other crypto currencies there. You can try that, too. I tried selling a bit just for trial and it worked just fine.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Is there a minimum BCH amount you need to buy and sell BCH?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When I tried it there is none. I put the amount im peso and it automatically converted into a percentage of BCH (less than 1BCH) and I did't encounter any problem. 🤗

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago