Drip Irrigation System Project Proposal

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3 years ago

This article is the part 2 of my recent article entitled: "Coconut Copra Deshelling Machine" which was my report for my Week 2 during our Immersion Industry Program (IIP) as part of our On-the-job training (OJT).

What I will share with you today is about the irrigation system I proposed in one of the farms here in our barangay which I think needed a proper irrigation system. I am not yet good at estimation and such but I think it is still realistic and doable.


Drip irrigation is the most efficient water and nutrient delivery system for growing crops. It delivers water and nutrients directly to the plant’s roots zone, in the right amounts, at the right time, so each plant gets exactly what it needs, when it needs it, to grow optimally. Thanks to drip irrigation, farmers can produce higher yields while saving on water as well as fertilizers, energy and even crop protection products.

In our barangay, our source of water came from spring or burabod. However, when it come to our farm, there is a lack of water supply even though the water supply is sufficient to household supplies. There is no proper irrigation and as I asked a farmer, they say that the rain is their only source of water and during hot season, they are having difficulty in their farm. Actually, there is a water tank located near the farm however, it was allotted to the faucet in every Purok. That is why, I wanted to propose a drip irrigation for their rice field.

During my research, I found out that drip irrigation is more suitable for rice field. In drip irrigation, you can reach a yield of 8 – 12 tons/ha which is a 50% production increase over production with flood/ surface irrigation.

How does a drip irrigation work?

Water and nutrients are delivered across the field in pipes called ‘dripper lines’ featuring smaller units known as ‘drippers’. Each dripper emits drops containing water and fertilizers, resulting in the uniform application of water and nutrients direct to each plant's root zone, across an entire field.

Importance of Drip Irrigation

  • Reduce impact of drought and climate change on food production 

  • Avoid contamination of ground water and rivers caused by fertilizer leaching

  • Support rural communities, reduce poverty, reduce migration to cities

  • Plants are more productive with drip irrigation:

    • High availability of water and nutrients

    • Doses of water and nutrients tailored to plant’s development needs

    • No saturation and good soil aeration

    • Avoids high salinity caused by excessive fertilizer application  

    • No wetting of foliage that can result in fungal diseases

  • Farmers prefer drip irrigation

    • Higher consistent quality yields

    • Huge water savings: no evaporation, no run off, no waste

    • 100% land utilization - drip irrigates uniformly in any topography and soil type

    • Energy savings: drip irrigation works on low pressure

    • Efficient use of fertilizer and crop protection, with no leaching

    • Less dependency on weather, greater stability and lower risk.

Description of the Irrigation System

The design of the drip irrigation system is located in Purok 4 Muladbucad Pequeño, Guinobatan Albay. The drip irrigation system construction site had an area of approximately eight hundred sixty-five square meters (865 sq.m.). The source for the drip irrigation system came from a spring located near the area, venturi where the fertilizer injected for the nutrients of the crops, sand filter to filter the purities in the water that will distribute in the field, pipe to be used as the channel flow for the distribution of water, irrigation valves helps to control the flow of the water, drip tubes connected to the main pipe and it helps to distribute the water by rows in the bed or in the field and the drip emitters to control the water needed in the crops.

Based on the computed drip line rate and water application rate, the drip irrigation system emitter need an 8.95 inches in length per hour of water per run. On the other hand, it requires 0.14 inches per hour of water application to satisfy the need of the plants in regards to its drip line rate.  

Here are the different views of the irrigation system.

  • Front View

  • Right-side view

  • Left-side View

  • Top view

This project proposal has not yet approved but if given the chance, I want to pursue this because I know this will greatly help the farmers when it comes to the proper flow of water in their farms.

All photos used are personally owned by yours truly ❤

$ 0.65
$ 0.65 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for noisytoothie
3 years ago
