All about Agricultural Structures: Layouts and Electrical Requirements (Based on PAES)

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3 years ago
Topics: Student, Learning

PAES 401-2000 Housing for Swine Production


            Artificial lighting shall always be available for use during the night or darkened periods of the day.

             Table 6 (from PAES) shows the recommended lighting intensity for swine housing.

            All electrical design and installation shall conform to Philippine Electrical Code.

PAES 404-2001 - Housing for Goat & Sheep PAES 405-2001 - Cattle Feedlot PAES 408-2001 - Carabao Feedlot



 Artificial lighting with an intensity of 200 lux shall always be available for use during the night or darkened periods of the day. All electrical design and installation shall conform to Philippine Electrical Code.


PAES 407-2001 - Housing for Dairy Cattle


 Adequate lighting shall be provided within the housing. For feeding area, 200 lux should be provided, 70 lux should be provided for the pens and 30 lux should be provided for feed storage area.

PAES 409-2002 - Milking Parlor


            Adequate electrical lighting shall be provided in the building and all electrical fittings shall be waterproof and be designed for hygiene.

            Light fixtures in area where exposed milk is handled shall ensure maximum safety to prevent contamination of products. Fixtures shall be easily cleaned to prevent the collection of dirt/debris on lamp surfaces.

            The intensity of lighting in each station is shown in Table 2 (from PAES).

Convenience outlet shall be waterproof type. It shall be installed 1 m - 1.5 m high depending on the position and height of milking machine.

             All electrical installation shall meet the requirement of Philippine Electrical Code.


PAES 410-2000 - Lairage for Swine, Small & Large Animals


             Illumination of 110 lux shall be provided within the lairage.

             For all suspect pens, lighting intensity of not less than 540 lux shall be provided.


PAES 411-2000 - Slaughterhouse for Swine, Small & Large Animals

Stunning area

             Illumination of 220 lux shall be provided.

Dressing area

 Inspection stations in the dressing area should be provided with an illumination of 540 lux.

Gut Room/Tripery

             Illumination of 220 lux shall be provided.

Cutting and boning area

             The area shall be provided with illumination of 220 lux.

 A re-inspection station shall be provided with handwasher facility, a sanitizer unit and a 540 lux illumination.


             For all storage rooms, an illumination of 110 lux shall be provided.

Personnel area

            Access from the meat handling area to the personnel area shall be through a hallway or vestibule. Illumination of 110 lux shall be provided.

PAES 412-2002 - Poultry Dressing Plant

            Lighting intensity in each station is shown in Table 1 (from PAES).

Convenience outlet shall be waterproof type and it shall be installed 1 m - 1.5 m high.

             All electrical installation shall meet the requirement of Philippine Electrical Code.


PAES 415-2001 – Greenhouses

Artificial lighting

 Artificial lighting should be provided for the production of photo-period sensitive plants and for the workers, 200 lux should be provided. High-pressure sodium lamps are usually used to artificially light greenhouses. Incandescent lamps should not be used because the red light emitted from these lamps causes the plants to stretch. Fluorescent lamps should be used in growth chambers, these lamp are rich in blue light.

PAES 417-2002 - Fruit & Vegetable Storage


            Artificial lighting shall always be available for use during the night or darkened periods of the day.

             The table shows the recommended lighting intensity for fruit and vegetable storage.

All electrical design and installation shall conform to Philippine Electrical Code.


PAES 416-2002 - Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory


 Artificial lighting shall always be available for use during the night or darkened periods of the day.

            The table below shows the recommended lighting intensity for tissue culture laboratory.

All electrical design and installation shall conform to Philippine Electrical Code.

PAES 418-2002 - Primary Processing Plant for Fresh Fruits & Vegetable

Lighting facilities

 Well-distributed, good quality artificial lighting shall be provided at all places where natural light is unavailable or insufficient. The table shows the minimum lighting intensity for processing plant.

Light fixtures shall be flushed in ceiling and shall be provided with diffuser.



 All electric power points shall be placed at a sufficient height above the floor. Waterproof sockets shall be used.

 All plugs shall be fitted with fuses that are appropriate for the power rating of the equipment and ideally the mains supply shall have an earth leakage trip switch.

            All electrical wiring design and installation shall conform with the Philippine Electrical Code.


PAES 419-2000 - Warehouse for Bagged Storage for Grain


             The minimum requirement for illumination is 3 watts per square meter.

Electrical works

            Receptacles for transporting equipment and wire distribution for electric fans shall be provided. If possible, conduit tubes shall be used. Electrical works should conform with the National Electrical Code.

PAES 420-2002 - Farm Workshop & Machinery Shed

Electricity and Lighting

            Refer to Philippine Electrical Code for the design and installation of electrical service.

            A 120-volt or 240-volt outlet shall preferably be installed every 1.2 m along workbenches and every 3 m along walls. If power tools are located away from walls, outlets shall be provided on the floor or suspend from the ceiling.

            At least one welder outlet near the large door so welding can be done outside shall be installed.

             Recommended lighting levels are shown in the table below

All electrical installation shall meet the standards of the Philippine Electrical Code.

PAES 422-1-2012 - Poultry Dressing and Slaughtering Plant Part 1-Small Scale PAES 422-2-2012 - Poultry Dressing and Slaughtering Plant Part 2-Large Scale

Electrical Requirements  

 During the design phase, the total load shall take into account the individual load of equipment in the plant. 

 A panel board complete with main switch and sub-circuit breakers shall be provided. It shall be mounted in a weatherproof box outside the operational area. 

 Wiring systems shall be protected by rigid PVC conduit or its equivalent. Wiring layouts shall be designed in accordance with the requirements set by the Philippine Electrical Code (see Annex A.11). Where portions of the conduit are known to be subjected to different temperatures, the conduit shall be filled with an approved material to prevent the circulation of warm air to a colder section of the conduit. 

 Convenience outlets shall be installed at 1 m to 1.5 m above the finish floor line. Such convenience outlets shall have receptacle plate and shall be waterproof type. 

 Branch-circuit conductors or feeders shall have an ampere rating not less than the maximum load to be served. Branch circuit conductors or feeders and equipment shall  be protected by overcurrent devices that have a rating not less than the non-continuous load plus 125 % of the continuous load except when the assembly, including the overcurrent devices protecting the branch circuit(s) or feeder(s), is listed for operation at 100 % of its rating. In such case, the ampere rating of the overcurrent device shall be permitted to be not less than the sum of the continuous load plus the non-continuous load. 

 Branch circuit conductors that supply a single motor used in a continuous duty application shall have an ampere rating of not less than 125 % of the motor’s full-load current rating. Conductors supplying several motors, or a motor(s) and other load(s), shall have an ampacity not less than 125 % of the full-load current rating of the highest rated motor plus the sum of the fullload current ratings of all the other motors in the group, plus the ampere rating required for the other loads. Overload devices intended to protect motors, motor-control apparatus, and motor branch-circuit conductors against excessive heating due to motor overloads and failure to start shall be provided. 

 Branch circuits shall be rated in accordance with the maximum permitted ampere rating or setting of the overcurrent device. Where conductors of higher ampacity are used for any reason, the ampere rating or setting of the specified overcurrent device shall determine the circuit rating. 

 The minimum size of conductors to be used shall conform to the requirements of the branch circuits (Table 2). 

What you see are the layouts that I made for my project


  • Broiler House

  • Dairy Barn

  • Milking Parlor

  • Poultry Dressing Plant

It's been a while since I last posted here. Weeks have been so hectic especially that our OJT is in the flame. Time is not in our hands anymore. So I want to share this article for now. I hope to come up with an idea sooner or later.

Let's learn while earning. Happy Reading! <3

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Avatar for noisytoothie
3 years ago
Topics: Student, Learning
