An expected hit

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2 years ago

If an expected blow, because it was seen coming, one of those that leave your spirits on the ground and take away your hope, if it was this week I will explain to you how the situation occurred so that you understand a little that there are days where not everything is color of roses.

You know Venezuela, it is my country of birth and where I live proudly, I consider that we are fighting people who pursue dreams until we achieve them, what we propose we achieve, hard-working, united and very friendly, of course, as in every population there are also profiteers who enjoy do harm and do not help without receiving anything in return.

For those who know and those who do not, I am going to make an account of where that expected blow came from, the currency of my country is the bolívar, a name that receives in memory of our liberator Simón Bolívar who freed several nations of South America, the bolívar as The national currency loses its monetary strength due to inflation and the mismanagement of the economy and resources of the country, in view of this the Venezuelan people decided to dollarize the country on their own, since the rulers do not approve this decision to establish a decent salary that meet the needs of a family nucleus.

On Monday, September 27 at 9 am 1 $ American = 4,224,962 as you see many numbers for an amount that is only enough to buy a kilo of rice, I make this comparison so that you have a reference, in view of this by mandate The president decided to eliminate 6 zeros from the currency, this method had already been implemented on previous occasions and it seems good to me because the calculators did not allow to enter such large figures due to the number of digits, this means that 1 $ = 4.22.

Image taken from the official twitter of enparalelovzla

But the situation does not stop there is more complex, in Venezuela all prices are reflected in American $ and the Venezuelan pays its equivalent in bolivars, but that is not the problem, the problem is that the price of the $ varies here like any cryptocurrency I explain the value of the $ in a day two saws ago, one at 9am and the other at 1pm. This means that we live in constant concern if the $ rises or falls in price.

And you wonder what the salary of a Venezuelan is? I'll give you this example, the salary of my mother who works as a saleswoman in a store is $ 50 per month, which is divided into $ 25 on the 15th of each month and $ 25 on the 30 of each month, this can be said to be a standard salary paid to workers in supermarkets, grocery stores, and other businesses.

There are companies that pay a little more like construction, it should be noted that the salary of public doctors and teachers does NOT reach $ 50 per month, it is less than this amount.

For this reason, many Venezuelans have emigrated to other countries and those of us who decide to continue here must seek external sources of income to be able to pay for expenses, not to mention the shortage of gasoline and gas.

Image taken from

On Friday the prices shot up, they all went crazy just as when bitcoin soared, well something like that happened, the price of the dollar increased and consequently the entire economy. Thank God on Saturdays and Sundays the price of the $ is maintained and today it is in this way 1 $ = 5.10 which is the closing price of Friday at 1pm.

Image taken from the official twitter of enparalelovzla

It is difficult to move forward here in the midst of this situation and more because most pay their employees in local currency which is devalued daily. I work on my own I have a sale of accessories for cell phones, it is something very small in a market in Guayana city, but since I started I have not been able to go up to the next level, if before with $ 20 I bought 20 items now with $ 20 I can only buy 18 articles for this same situation, but I know that I will achieve my goals in the name of God.

Thanks for reading to the end

Author: @nohely

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Written by
2 years ago


Sad to hear the situation there, it would be difficult to come up with all these needs with this short salary. I hope everything will be alright soon. But I am glad to know that you all are fighting people who pursue dreams until they fulfilled.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

always with your head up and fight against adversity

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2 years ago