The healing properties of ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea)

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4 years ago

Ground Ivy is among herbaceous perennials, with the plant grows to a height of about half a meter. People treat it as an invasive weed. The leaves are thus colored dark green in the shape of a heart, and the edges are reminiscent of the shape of waves, which are adorned with hairs. On the horizontal stem of the quadrilateral shape are typically leaves that counteract the entire lengths. The flowers are thus colored blue-purple in inflorescence and propelled from the leaves. It is recognized by its aromatic bitter taste.


We can find the herb all around the world up to hundreds of meters above sea level. It is found in meadows in forests, fields and at the foot of rivers. Above all, it thrives in an environment where there are no cold winters on a wide variety of soils in conditions. The best time to pick a plant is in May. After harvesting, we should clean the plant and let it dry in shade without moisture.


In popular herbalist writings this herb has been mentioned to have healing effects since ancient times. The herb contains the following substances: Vitamin C, oil, saponin, tannin and flavonoid. Positive health effects when used are: Relieves bronchitis in asthma, eases coughing, kidney stones removal, protects eyes, cleanses the organism, soothes nerves, reduces anxiety and depression. The leaves are users for soothing skin burns, infections and wounds. Pregnant and young nursing mothers should not consume this plant in any way.


For easier coughing, you can prepare the syrup from this plant by pouring finely chopped pieces onto a teaspoon, pouring it with a large glass of lukewarm water. After a few hours, pour the liquid into the pot, bring to a boil and add some sugar to allow half of the liquid to evaporate. When cool, store it cold in a bottle. The syrup prepared in this way can be enjoyed 3 tbsp daily.


You can also prepare a tincture from the leaves of the plant to cleanse the body. Fill half of the bottle with leaves and pour some schnapps over them. Close the bottle and wait a month and a half, stirring the liquid daily without opening the bottles. After a while pour the liquid in smaller bottles. The tincture is ready to be consumed for 3 weeks, three teaspoons a day. After the cure you should take a break.


One interesting thing to note about the story of Ground Ivy:

In the Roman Empire Aelius Galenus (a Greek multi practitioner) used the plant to heal inflamed eyes. Later on herbalists started using the plant for healing other health conditions.


It can be stated that Ground Ivy is a plant that helps with many health problems and is consequently noteworthy for a deeper observation.



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4 years ago


My lawn is full of this stuff. Nothing kills it that won't kill the lawn too. At least it's pretty unlike the damn quack grass I can't get rid of either.

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4 years ago