Weight Loss Journey: Week 2 update

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4 years ago

Hello read.cash community. As promised, here is my weekly update on my weight loss journey into fitting to my old clothes again.

So far so good, or so I think. If I don't look at the mirror and if I don't try my old clothes on, I cam genuinely say how I feel lighter and cleaner after a week of changing my diet and starting exercises.

For my first week, I opted to replace and minimized my rice intake by substituting it with boiled sweet potato and Saba Banana. I also started with dance exercises from MadFit Youtube channel. I recommend her dance videos for beginners like me or for those who do not like to do the High Intensity kinds of workout.

For this week, I asked my parents to buy other root crops for me to have other alternatives like; gabi, potato, and carrots. Along side this, I am discovering new ways to cook such raw ingredients. I recently have tried to cook some baked potatoes. I am planning to learn how to cook some good mashed potatoes.

My version of Baked Potatoes

In addition to this week, I bought a 2.6L water jug for me to keep track of my water intake everyday. I am so thankful to read.cash forthat because I managed to save up all my earning here to buy the jug and not having to rely on my parents.

In the near future, I am going to save up for a yoga mat since I always hurt my knees whenever I do my stretches.

Thank you to everyone who is supporting me, and to any one who wants to start the journey too, I am always open for you guys to talk to.

  • I am still accepting recommendations for exercises or youtube channels for reference and other weight loss tips. Thank you in advance.

  • Lead image is from unsplash free photos*

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$ 0.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for nicdre09
4 years ago


Great you keep us updated and already started to feel better. Smashed potatoes are really easy to make. Cook them soft, smash them and add some milk or if you like butter as well. You can add salt and pepper. If you put it underneath a grill you can add cheese on top and butter. It's very delicious.

Be careful with potatoes these are carbohydrates. Baking them cooked ones 1-2 days later seem to reduce carbohydrates. I hope you take care of your proteins as well. Egg is a complete meal contains everything a body needs and just like meat and cheese no carbohydrates.

I wish you luck for next week and saving for a yoga mat. 🍀

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you. I am looking forward to try that mashed potato recipe. I will sure try to incorporate eggs with my diet.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Congrats! Keep it up :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you 😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago