Steps towards Growth

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3 years ago

I know some of us has experienced latency in our lives. Being stagnant to what we already know and what we already do is a scenario not new to most of us.

These are some steps we can take to come closer to growth and development


    • Move out of your comfort zone. Step out to a world full of opportunities to learn. Move out of bad habits that are keeping you dormant instead of growing. Remember that growth is dictated by the environment we put ourselves in. If we keep on staying in a box, we can only grow as big as that box. So move out and take in the lessons of life.

  2. MOVE ON

    • Easier said than done. Moving on isn't only applicable to people who just experienced heartbreak. It is a phrase we can all do. Move on to something new. Move on from past traumas. Move on from things that are only keeping you from growing. Move on and cut ties from negativity around you. Surround yourself with people that only wants to see you grow into your full potential.

  3. MOVE UP

    • So what is the difference with moving on and moving forward. Moving on means you are moving away from what was, moving up means you are moving towards something greater. A step towards your goal. Just like graduating from high school, you are moving up to college or the like. Move up to things you didn't expect you could reach.


    • This is the most important step. To move smarter than before. To make decisions that will make an impact to your life. Be smart and take your time. Every decision is essential to create your path towards where you want to go. MOVE SMARTER, LIVE BETTER

As a summary :

Too many threads to cut to move out. Too many things to leave behind to move on. Too many doors to open to move up. Too many decisions to make to move smarter.

move OUT, move ON, move UP, move Smarter

Good Morning Read.Cash community. Prioritize your growth and everything else will follow.

Comment down below your own journey towards growth.

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$ 2.63 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for nicdre09
3 years ago


Take actions for growth, very well said :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago