Life is Full of Challenges.

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1 year ago

Thursday. September 15, 2022

We all live in a world full of challenges. No matter how many times we struggle, stumble or fall, our world continues to go round. Although there are a lot of problems and trials that have come to us. There are still more opportunities coming for us.

I admit that there were more times when I wanted to give up. I can't even count how many times I've gotten tired of the repeated problems that come into my life. I'm getting to the point where I don't really want to live anymore, I've given up, I can't take it anymore, I'm so tired. But you know the weird thing is, sometimes every time I want to give up, suddenly a new hope comes for me. It seems that God wants to convey to me that the answer to all my problems and challenges is not giving up. But having a lot of motivation to keep fighting. That's when I realized that I still have children who still need me.

I know I'm not the only one who experiences repeated stumbles in life. Many of us sometimes prefer to give up on the worst trials that come our way. But we have no choice but to be strong, to continue to fight against every challenge that comes to us. Especially mothers like me, we have no choice but not to give up, for the sake of our children because they badly need us. It's too hard to grow up without a parent by your side, especially a mother.

Life is full of challenges. And it's up to us how we handle it. Other challenges may be difficult for us, but that's how it is. Without challenges, we cannot learn. All the challenges that may come to us will teach us how to be strong, and how to continue to fight and dream for our future. Let's just think that this is one of the weapons that can help us achieve our goals in life.

No matter how hard life is. We have to prove to ourselves that we can overcome it. Yes, it's hard, but if we don't try nothing will happen to us. This is the only thing I always remind myself especially when I'm very down. If I give up, my children will be even more miserable. I just cried everything at night, and when I woke up I continued to fight every challenge I was going through.

Life is full of challenges. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard. But this is not the reason to give up. Let's always look at the positive way, that others are going through worse but they were able to overcome it. They were able to solve everything. Sometimes we just have to grab all the opportunities that come our way so we can start over. Others also had difficulty starting but in the end, they were able to succeed.

"It's not easy to be strong in the worst moment of your life, but if this is the only way to survive we have to stand up for being strong in everything."

I hope this simple article will also inspire those who are going through the same thing as me. Let's just fight no matter what. In the end, we will also succeed like everyone else, no matter how hard life is.

Goodnight my fam. Hopefully, I will continue to come back and write here. I really miss everything here. God bless and stay safe everyone.

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1 year ago


I’ve been in that place of wanting to give up way too many times. Things go down and then up again, there is always a balance 💙

$ 0.01
1 year ago

True sis..and we no choice to face everything and just stay and downs will always be there..we just need the courage to fight and keep going..

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right about the challenges of life, every human has to go through as long as we are alive.

Challenges are meant to be conquered and overcoming them is the only way to become successful in life.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Exactly buddy, we just need to overcome everything in order to succeed 🙂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Giving up is not the answer to life's struggles indeed. Although sometimes we might feel there is no hope anymore, in the end as long as you are breathing lights of hope will shine the way for you to raise up.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

So true din sis..kahit pa gaano na tayo kalugmok laban lang ng laban hanggang sa makaya at malagpasan natin lahat 🙂

$ 0.00
1 year ago