Animals :) Nature has given us lovely living things called animals. Let me start off with the saying: "dogs are man's best friend" I assume they have high sense of EQ!

Anyway ill start sharing interesting post about animals each time. I'm new here too!

Fun fact 1: Snakes can anticipate earthquakes! Background: a group of scientist found that the snakes showed behaviour of banging their heads to walls, sensing an incoming earthquake. On the basis that they are one of the most sensitive animals.

Separately, it is also known that dogs and chickens behave abnormally when an earthquake event is about to take place.

Interesting that they have heightened senses to detect seismic activity as far as 75 miles away!

Thats enough heads-up time and a good early natural disaster indicator!

Thats all folks!

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@ngjingyao posted 4 years ago
