How to Avoid Depression?

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Avatar for nezuko08
3 years ago

Many of us have experienced not only fear but also depression during the pandemic. We must first understand that these are emotions in order to understand the difference between anxiety and sadness.

As soon as we come up with a simple and accurate image of it, the emotion, which is pain, stops suffering. We are more likely to suffer from them if we better understand each of these emotions.

Difference between anxiety and sadness

Emotions are associated with a change in preparation for a person’s action. This theory makes sense if you focus on how emotions are wired into our physiology. An emotion is focused on his mind and squeezes the perceived repertoire of action when a person sees danger in their environment and creates physiological changes to support specific actions.

Therefore, each emotion contains an element of arousal or stimulus that is related to how intense an emotion stimulates a person to act. Anxiety, depending on how deeply it is noticed, can be a low or high arousal. In our climate, the more a threat is interpreted, the greater the level of our anxiety.

Both anxiety and sadness are responses not only to a basic assessment that hinders our goals or values ​​of an individual, event, or circumstance but also to a second evaluation of whether we can handle it. This is in the second analysis where these feelings differ.

We assume that in case of anxiety , we should do anything to reduce the influence of the threat and get our lives back on track. On the other hand, for depression, we do not maintain a belief in such. In other words, when we lose hope of coping with a person, event, or event, we become depressed.

Depression is a separation from all your external world because you feel you cannot take any important steps to get your life back where you want it to be.

Anxiety , believe it or not, seen in this way, inspires hope. The reason we experience anxiety is that we still believe we can do anything to alleviate the situation that motivates it. We believe we can change our lot in a few stages, often unknowingly.

On the other hand, depression is an emotion that low arousal because we dropped the illusion that concrete steps can be taken to reduce the risk and move our lives in a better direction. We feel that nothing can be done for us.

Let us remember, then, that we only feel anxious when we are worried about a person, event, or event in our environment and we think there is something we can do to cope with it. We can no longer feel fear if we feel out of our control.

The importance of emotion, whether positive or negative, is determined by these ongoing assessments. We experience a positive emotion such as joy, gratitude, or satisfaction when we examine the person, event, or event as accelerating our goals or values.

If, on the other hand, we are examining the person, event, or circumstance that prevents us from achieving a goal or value, we feel a negative emotion, such as frustration, frustration, or, yes, anxiety. Was this person, scenario, or event good or bad for me in this basic analysis? Forms the main emotion.

We then did a second test after we experienced the primary emotion. Do I have the internal resources to deal with this person, situation, or event? We determine our ability to control whatever triggers negative emotions that surround us.

Then we will see this, instead of recognizing fear as an avoidable feeling: a constructive catalyst to protect ourselves from a low-level, but destructive, threat to our lives. We must agree that it becomes unstable only when anxiety is incurable and unmanageable.

During this pandemic, let us acknowledge that what happened (e.g., the former virus trajectory and the weak response of many policy makers) is irreversible. We can now recognize fear (of what has already happened), ambition (to make the better world we know is possible) and action (to make it happen, from now on) at different levels: economic, political, social, psychological, physical (health)

Let us consider the main difference between anxiety and depression to help control our anxiety during the greatest public health epidemic in our lifetime: depression is anxiety that is hopeless. Instead of letting go of our confidence in our ability to cope with adversity, let us balance recognition, determination, and action to build a better world for all of us living in this world.

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